Dark Angel : Writing

Where It All Began

Where It All Began

A Chapter by Dark Angel

MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! No one knows this part! lol Hope you enjoy, my readers!
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Is Kat's life finally looking up? Is she actually going to call Monica and Danny family?
Chapter 2 Version 1

Chapter 2 Version 1

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Can't think of a good description
Shadow Demon

Shadow Demon

A Story by Dark Angel

What happens when fear is a daily occurrence?When the cold fingers clasp around your heart and dictate every moment of your life?What happens when you..
Hi There Little One

Hi There Little One

A Book by Dark Angel

My weird and somewhat creepy thoughts of children and how manipulative they can be... Enjoy! lol ^_^


A Chapter by Dark Angel

This section requires thinking and holds a lot of detail about the little girl that is crucial to understanding the rest of the book.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Enjoy my thoughts on children... I swear they do stay up all night planning how to torture us the next day. lol I know I did! ^_^
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Suzy sat in a plastic chair at a plastic table with plastic silverware and a paper plate in front of her. She picked up the fork and looked at the f..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Out in the world again, where will Suzy go? Who can she trust?