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Santa Clarita, CA
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A Poem by Z

99 Cent Clowns 99 Cent Clowns

A Poem by Z

Studys Show Studys Show

A Poem by Z

See See

A Poem by Z

Drugs Drugs

A Poem by Z

The One Eyed Monk The One Eyed Monk

A Poem by Z

About Me

Musician, Poet, Artist, Advocate, Activist, Label Enthusiast, shield maker, barrier wrecker, romantically isolated, intel separated, suburban protester, middle class complainer, graffiti painter


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh thank you!!!

Your work helped me breathe today. :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

What with?:( are you better? Im sorries*hugs*

Ummm, arts going GREAT actually, designed a poster or four for the Flight of the Conchords poster contest:P


And i like it so far.

I haven really written SO much:P but what i have written recently will be up in the next couple days im sure:)

How about with you? Done anything new art wise lately?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Ive been GREAT!!!! I missed you:P

How have you been?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

:P Its not a BAD thing to be like the annuals, you always have a chance of reseeding somewhere else:P It make take a while but it will sprout back up again if you leave it. Maybe you'll be like a petunia:P SUPPOSEDLY they are annuals, but, if you leave them, they come back tenfold the next year, not usually in the same spot:P they move over just a bit, So you often have to transplant them:P but still, they come back:)

And thank you:P and you are welcome:P

And i am not an artist of great consequence:P Im just me:P

Like you are you:P

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Posted 16 Years Ago

You did as you were meant to do, as ubervelveta as that sounds:P

Things happen as they happen, and you are now, a great artist and, im sure, a magnificet coach:P

I've been doing this since i came out the womb:P

My mothers mother(god bless her, i miss her) nurtured that in me from the get go. She always made sure paper was never in short supply, and needles, and crayons and watercolours and what not.

I knew how to sew(not well, but i did know how) by the age of 5:P I made my first teddy bear when i was five and a half:P I still have him somewhere i think:P

but yeah, ive been at it a while, but that doesnt matter, its what you put in, not how much. You could be like me, an old perennial rose bush, who just keeps going year after year, or like some desert flowers that wait their whole lives, put on a MAGNIFICENTTTTT display, then die out, or like annuals, bloom several times in a small amount of time and they dont come back unless you let them seed or replant them.

But you are fairly new at it, and still AMAZING:P i am sure you are neither of the last two:P

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Posted 16 Years Ago


You made the wrong one if thats the case:P

But, i havent seen you play basketball:P

You are a great artist, however:)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

:P I wished id done a sport:P

But as i said, ART IS MY LIFE!!!

Even if im not so good at it:P

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Posted 16 Years Ago

:P I figued it was either basketball or cross country:)

Thats neat:P

I always wanted to play soccer and volleyball:P but i always wanted art more:/

SO i never did:P

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Posted 16 Years Ago

What sport did you play, formerly?:P

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Merci:P Gracias even:P

I LOVE:P the Streets:P

Have you ever heard of Just Jack? They arent really alike, but they're all british:P