zoerunning : Writing

time for change

time for change

A Chapter by zoerunning

With their father ill, the three sisters know that there is a big possibility they wont have much longer in the house they love but who to turn to ?
Search for happiness

Search for happiness

A Book by zoerunning

set in 1800, three teenage sisters try to work there way around growing up, and finding love and who they are. Which isn't easy when everything has ch..
Bad breakup

Bad breakup

A Chapter by zoerunning

After a bad breakup and s**t Christmas what could be worse than running into the ex at a new years party ? Seeing him with his new model gf. Oh yes s..
Back to reality

Back to reality

A Chapter by zoerunning

The Trauma of the party now over its back to reality when work needs to begin but will a meeting with a very handsome rugby player change her plans to..
Time to choose

Time to choose

A Chapter by zoerunning

After getting the number of a very attractive rugby player, you wouldn't have thought making a choice of what to do with it would be so hard .Wrong Lo..
Terrible phone  call

Terrible phone call

A Chapter by zoerunning

She has finally made the call to Tom, but will it be what she expected? is it just going to be another let down that she is all to used to experiencin..
Date with disaster ?

Date with disaster ?

A Chapter by zoerunning

is going on a date with a taken rugby player the best thing to do ? Curiosity got the better of her will it be what she is expecting ? what does he w..
the shock treatment

the shock treatment

A Chapter by zoerunning

after the kiss, what is Louise supposed to do be happy and Tom wont leave it alone. luckily she has Liz
And it got worse

And it got worse

A Chapter by zoerunning

After the kiss from Tom, and the multiple apologies, who thought it could get any worse?
Smelling of Roses

Smelling of Roses

A Chapter by zoerunning

Lou is going to meet up with Tom for an explanation what will it be? or will she get one at all.

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