The sky was grey,the kind of colour where it is too early for morning,but far too late for night.You took my hand,you hands a lot bigger than mine,and..
My lips tremble reciting words of the past,Relieving the pain, the two of us.I am almost ashamed to admit,that I care.I do not want too feel,but your ..
Does it make me any less humanif it exists only in my mindand the outside is as perfectas society will allow?Does it make me any less humanto watch re..
Through intoxicated kissesplease save my lost soul,even if just for a night,a brief romance,just you and me.We can go under covers,and pretend for a m..
The invisible girl will speak a word,
But with no mouth she can't be heard.
He would never hear her,
With his mind so drowned with rain.
They're t..
Every time you look into a mirror you'll point out your flaws, things that are too big, too small, too flat, too round. You'll complain you have curve..
How naive of your twisted tainted soulless mind,to believe, and even make me believe for a split second, you could break me.That your fingers could ri..
And I'll say the wrong thing,And every word I've said will run circles around your mind,And you'll sit up right in bed,And lean to the windowAnd spark..
I've always pushed people away. It's something I can honestly say was more like a natural reflex, as soon as somebody got close, I panicked and wanted..
So tell me what to do,I'll listen. Just because you're you,Should I run away?Save myself from pain?Or stay?And be wrapped around and have you wrapped ..