ZmH : Writing

ive lost me

ive lost me

A Poem by ZmH

Beep,beep... beep, beep... is all i hear the silent ringing within my ear frustration builds i want to scream know one knows a single thing my ..


A Poem by ZmH

unheard is my voice i speak but no one listens they nod their head as if im speaking fiction i scream, i yell they just dont seem to give a hell ..
tears of remembrance

tears of remembrance

A Poem by ZmH

dedicated to my great grandfather who faught in WW2, and all the other veterans out there.


A Poem by ZmH

the sun brushes the horizon light shades paint my dream soft giggles, and foot steps running circles in my mind trees of firey shades, dark green..
the unknown

the unknown

A Poem by ZmH

anger burns blood runs cold the world a place of the unknown hearts beat slow then fast feelings, dreams we all wish could last colors, skeems al..


A Poem by ZmH

your heart beats fast, yet steady asadrum you look around you fall to the stone, cold ground your heart aches your thoughts break you can no long..
early in the morning

early in the morning

A Poem by ZmH

the sun slowly creeps to the horizion light colors fill the sky adark blue around first hour a lavender the next the sky mesmorzing with every de..
starting with a smile

starting with a smile

A Poem by ZmH

a smile upon plain face poetry by any other name a sky lightened by his eyes love found as a suprise heart tangled wihtin a thousand words a song..
the receiver of pain

the receiver of pain

A Poem by ZmH

blade so sharp thoughts so thin silver cutting into bare skin blood flows no one knows fast healer lie consealer thought you were a true believ..
lost in time

lost in time

A Poem by ZmH

i had a dream similar to what i describe in this poem