Zippora : Writing

So we'll cut cut cut

So we'll cut cut cut

A Poem by Zippora

You cut to breathe.You cut to relax.You cut to escapeagain.I cut to feel.I cut to ground.I cut to regain myselfagain.You cut for the blood.You cut for..
I cannot wait

I cannot wait

A Poem by Zippora

I cannot waitTo have our own place.To know it's ours and no one else's.And do what we want with it.To wake up next to you everyday.And know you aren't..


A Poem by Zippora

The thrill. The waiting.The wanting.The lusting.It feels me with anticipationfrom the tip of my lips down.And all I wantis you.The kissing.The graspin..
But I think

But I think

A Poem by Zippora

I am honestly terrified to the bone.Making such a drastic change like this.Making it impossible to undo.Leaving every thing I know.Cutting myself off ..
The Truth

The Truth

A Poem by Zippora

I think I know why I keep randomly gethit with all those bad feelings.I start to feel completelyalone, and helpless.I start to think that maybeno one ..
The Lie

The Lie

A Poem by Zippora

For the past

For the past

A Poem by Zippora

I can't quite put into wordswhat it is I feel for youbecause everything is muddledbetween the past, the present,and what the future might hold.I don't..


A Poem by Zippora

Let me listen to the same songsover and over and over again.Attach meaningsand memoriesand feelings.Let me put them on repeat all day.and night. and d..
The Worst

The Worst

A Poem by Zippora

I wake up after 13 hours of sleepand I still feel tired.But that's not the worst.I find myself regrettingso many choices I've made.But that's not the ..
Small and Leather

Small and Leather

A Poem by Zippora

I just need that little band around my wrist.It doesn't need to beexpensive or fancyI would rather it wasn't.Just small and leather.Something I can ke..