"Like the oceans kiss the shore"
Abrilliant mind seeks to find a muse in the daily monotony of biding his time; they’d be shocked to find he’s not what he pretends to be..
Ilaugh in their faces, the blatant stupidity.The geniuses …Never suspected my plea, and that I was perfectlySane the whole time; I can read..
I sit upon my metal chair precisely placed mid-room, along with my companions, my good friends gloom and doom; not much fun are these two, but I suppo..
The dark lords hover above me, estocs wielding in all its glory.I dodge at every blow, as I fall onto my knees.Survival of the f..
Silence …Deafening stillness between souls…A naturality for one, pure queerness for the other…The touch, absent …Words,..
The silence engulfs the frenzied …Far into the dark reaches of the mind…Therein lies the turmoil of what should be …How it sh..
The seeds of the future sown …The seeds nurtured and grown …Racing toward the eternal beacon …Racing toward the evils of mank..
The ground beneath crumbles away at every step …Frenzied retreat …Stumbles …Finally faltering …Spiralling down into eterna..
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