I was taught to be a man and take responsibilities for my actions. I had gotten a female pregnant when I had turned eighteen. I took responsibility fo..
There is no artistic intent in this piece.
The sound of lightly playing music brings me out of the blackness I dream in. RIsing to face another day I am never ready for, but face it since there..
I live in a family that neither forgives nor forgets. Today was a cocktail of doing what I was told, getting yelled at, and anger which almost came to..
I've been active. I've taken Bootydo on walks. I've worked my scheduled hours. I've spent times with friends. I've written pieces that will never be s..
I gave roughly 1095 days to a soul that seemed to only give a half hour of a lifetime. I gave you very little, but it was all I had. Everything I had ..
End of May may have well been the end of life for me. I moved out of my townhouse, my fiancee and I separated, and my career path took a severe downtu..
I would trade in the remaining time I have on this Earth
just to be a dog for a day. More
specifically, my dog and best friend, Bootydo.
I wouldn..
For under a hundred dollars, I can register Bootydo as an Emotional Support Animal. Given that He's really the only one I talk to, I can't really say ..