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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am a good guy and I like to write. It is the only thing I really want to do with my life.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Haha, thanks buddy for reading the Gouger bit. I wrote that a couple months back in half an hour, just screwing around. If you felt it to be over the top Michael Bay s**t and then realized it was a satire, well I guess I've done my job.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you kindly Zeke for the read, glad you enjoyed it and found it shocking. I suppose I did my job then...

So how did this come about. Last night I was listening to some music at the computer. The music stopped, took off the head phones and was about to read a story by one of my favorite writer's here, Erik Bergstrom. I heard a noise. A noise that sounded like a sheep... I put the headphones back on but all I heard was static fuzz... I got up from my chair and went over tot he back door and heard the noise, muffled again. It was a man or men, people singing, mumbling something drunk... some country tune, rednecks. It was unsettling. Who were they? Was it just my neighbors or homeless making a camp in the alley behind our house, or were they in our yard? I heard other voices, laughter but so faint and muffled. I thought I saw a neighbor's backyard light on but couldn't tell. I was really freaked out. My imagination was going wild.
I then sat down and for the next 4 hours and wrote the story.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Mr. ZZZ. I haven't seen Bourne Ultimatum yet. I plan to but probably when it gets to the cheap theatre there are a couple of other flicks playing at the art house here that I'd like to see first and I have to limit myself to the movies a few times a month.
Didn't we briefly talk about American Gangster over the phone? I think it looks interesting if only for the expected duel between Crowe and Washington. I generally enjoy Ridley Scott films too.
I've been editing these library vids and having a bit of an existential crisis of sorts which has lead me to some interesting reading about 20th century history overall, the 1995 Tokyo Gas attack and some essays on Fahrenheit 451.

Feel free to give me a call.
Hope you're doing good.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Nope the witches were an important part of the book. INteresting that you had this kind of magical LOTR vibe where i had this too futeristic SW prequel vibe at least design wise. We will see...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

ah I see! Well I was given the imrpession for whatever reason that it might be school related but anyhow, we do find interesting bits everywhere don't we? Ah so she was the general's wife... Well I can see how including that information in the story might be tricky but I'd recommend making it a little more cohesive, unless you just want to let it be in its moment and move on to the next piece. I can understand that if that is the case. Sometimes that is the way it works.
Did you take a look at The Golden Compass teaser yet?

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Posted 17 Years Ago


I plan on reading the new story tomorrow. I've had a long hard day and know I can't give focus to it tonight. But I do have a link to share with you...

I'd suggest 480p. What is my reaction? underwhelmed. :-(

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, it's called prose poetry.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Articals on writing....
May 4, 2007 - Jul 4, 2007
Win $00.00, You get to know that you were the very best! A personal feeling of accomplishment is the most rewarding of all prizes....

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Of course Zeke, I saw it twice on the big screen. My 2nd favorite film of 2006 next to Perfume. It was a shame it didn't win any of the Oscars it was nominated for. Should have won cinematography at least.
And why shouldn't excellent films have anything to do with writing? They are certainly a big inspiration on my part!

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Posted 17 Years Ago