A philosophic contemplation, to be taken of what the individual may.
Know yourself.Who are you?Now that’s certainly a question.Promote captain obvious to a general, stars two,Yet even he is oblivious, to you, your..
Grabbing for air
You sit alone sad slumped on your chair,
Twiddling thumbs and playing with hair,
I watch from afar, my imprisoned lair,
Unintentional Rhyme
I guess I asked for it, it’s all I ever wanted,
I needed someone to cause my rhyme,
Here you’ve amazed, a..
just some manifestation of recent thought
No away to run to.
A man called barbaric, we find,
Pelt draped about him,
Standing spear in hand, Rome’s might before him,
His l..
Here I sit
So here I sit,
And there you go,
Someday it’ll hit,
It should have long ago,
Wash rags and lagoons in crowded solitude..
a rap i guess ... lol
Life's Road
Driving along, windows down, breeze through my hair,
Dashed white lines, faded in sun, cracked tar, beaten gray
Some merge on..
Just came to me today, idk.