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Berkeley, CA
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About Me

Made Love
Made War
Made Peace
Made Hate
Questioned God
And Lost Faith

Who is Z.Silas Herrera? I Often ask myself this question and come with no clear conclusion, so these are the facts: Born in Salinas Ca and coming from humble beginnings to say the lease. Moved to the San Francisco Bay Area at the age of 8 and lived there for what my life has become so far, with the exception of my 5 years in service to the US NAVY. I consider myself to be an artist; I write poetry, draw, produce music and act from time to time. I dont know what else to say except I hate you, and the Z stands for Zachary.

Z.Silas Herrera

words of praise for the poetic works of
Zachary Herrera
vol. I

Mind riveting writing

sometimes hard to understand for some women

Just ohmygod

The wording you choose seems almost like a raping

You make God your enemy

You might as well drive a nail through my wrist for me to grasp the feel of this haunting poem

like a sadomasochistic delight gone bad

haunting and scaring

beautifully dark and erotic and a little sadomasochistic... which I love

I hope to be ravaged like that one day

violent and consuming

sensual and somewhat a bit wicked

So much Passion! So much Power! Wow!

you must be, an apprentice of Poe

That was f*****g incredible

tasteful yet erotic

...should I be afraid??

it's like you are getting more and more angry

like c***s in the ring

intensely vulgar AND THAT is what makes it gorgeous

So much hate, it flows like the richest cream across your tongue

Absolutely vicious

Sensually provocative, angry and yet creatively written
going to fellate you with how much of it I agree with

might cause a hurricane or something

Made me long for the first pleasurable pain of penetration the sting of love

just badass writing

betrayal of innocence

flows great and it rhymes well too

Music: www.myspace.com/betasixproductions


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Hi friend, I hope to see you back on the Cafe soon,
and posting your new inspirations ^_^
Kindest Regards, Michael

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i'm glad ^~^ at least they mean something to some one. I hope you weren't waiting too long..My computer sort of didn't like this site and it took forever to fix. ><'

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Posted 15 Years Ago

thank you and hello to you too : )

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Posted 15 Years Ago

it's okay.
same goes for me..except from crack-laced cigarettes.
everyones got their..conductor..

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hehe... so you did! This is my favorite: �...should I be afraid??�
; )
Keep pouring it out...and since my RR box is temporarily closed... send me a comment if you have anything else for me to read!!
Much love,
OH... and MY PLEASURE on the reviews. When I first got here I was writing from quite the same space....however, life is a bit more settled (YAWN) now!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

haha! I loved your review and exspecialy your peom thing!
"The Consumption Of Jubilation" ! that was a great read^.^

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for reviewing my work. i'm glad that you loved "the one feared most"... well the santza any way.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thanks for the reveiw. ^.^ so gald you liked it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thnx for reviewing THE LITTLE DUPLEX ON CHERRY STREET! I hope u DO post your piece. Lemme know if u do!


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi Z.silas,
Thanks for accepting the friend request. I certainly look forward to read your writings, and I shall as soon as I'm done with finals,
