Melody Martinez

Melody Martinez


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Ft. Richardson, AK
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About Me

My Name is Melody, Im 15 years old. Im an all around preformer i love to sing and dance but most of all write, weither its stories or poems or letters i just love to write. Im probly one of the youngest writers on here and i dotn have much experince of letting people besides my friends read my peoms or stories, and also i base my writtings on things in my life. i have been to and seen many places here in the USA. Im an army brat , i have been since i was 5 when my dad joind the army . i plan to go to collage and get a really good job either as an art desiner or an interior desinger .... i love to talk to people , i love to be around people , im not a shy person any of my friends can tell ya that ... i love to be out side i love to see nature and stuff . i love to go to the beach or to the park.i like to pic an older self of me in the book store with a cup of coffie with a book in my hand reading that or a pen and paper in front of me and me writing a story or poem. out of all my friends i am the writer , the story teller , the reader, the bookworm , im the one who has the big imagination. im not afraid to tell people how i really feel , i m not afried to go up to a guy and talk to them , thats why alot of my chick friends get mad at me bc i m good at that ... well thats just a little bit of me but yea later ...bye.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

That's cool. I'm a jazz dancer of 9 years. It's a lot of fun

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey, I read your bio and was curious to know what type of dance you do...Sorry, I happen to be a very curious person.

see ya,