Larrycall : Writing

That Girl

That Girl

A Book by Larrycall

A young teenage girls life is changed when she meets this breath taking girl and slowly falls in love with her . Her life is suddenly changed forever ..
She sits alone

She sits alone

A Poem by Larrycall

PART of a poem i made that alot of my friends like
sadly Bradley

sadly Bradley

A Poem by Larrycall

to my best friend
The Game I Will Play

The Game I Will Play

A Poem by Larrycall

just a random write


A Poem by Larrycall

just something that came to me in class
She wants to go home

She wants to go home

A Poem by Larrycall

about a time i had gone through
One last lullaby

One last lullaby

A Poem by Larrycall

about two girls who loose their friendship and grow apart . the other started drinking and lost herself . Once she had enough she killed herself while..


A Poem by Larrycall

RAWR !!!!!!