About Me
If there be grief, then let it be but rain,
And this but silver grief for grieving's sake,
If these green woods be dreaming here to wake
Within my heart, if I should rouse again.
But I shall sleep, for where is any death
While in these blue hills slumbrous overhead
I'm rooted like a tree? Though I be dead,
This earth that holds me fast will find me breath.
-William Faulkners
I'm a 26 yr old male, who finds much pleasure in writting. I like to share my ideas with the world, and see what kind of feedback I get from it. Thank you all, for reading and helping me further develop my skills...
I want to thank everyone for their reviews, and the positive feedback that I keep getting. It's helped me alot and it has encourage me to keep writting. I never knew this was possible, I really have to thank Vanesa for putting me on to this site.
Thank you all once again!!!