Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Jacob : Writing



A Poem by Jacob

While pondering about my way for my good boundaries...
Haiku 1

Haiku 1

A Poem by Jacob

it's been more than three months today Ihanged a new curtain in my new house it wasn´t as cheerful as it was when Imoved then to your place ..
My assets for now

My assets for now

A Poem by Jacob

It is a time to evaluate, to look at the mirror and see what Ihave not with a judging eye but with a heartish sight it started before the obvious..
The power of life

The power of life

A Poem by Jacob

She started to tell me on the phone At the age of 83 you don’t have much time left “My children are very talented, ..
A Prayer for patience

A Prayer for patience

A Poem by Jacob

God give me patience for the cycle of alone and together for expanding and withdrawing for the tension and for the boring for clarity and for ..
Stitches and unraveling

Stitches and unraveling

A Poem by Jacob

I got stitched small stitches to my arms gentle unseen stitches to my chest to my heart every week of us together made another stitch a stitch f..


A Poem by Jacob

come to me come to grow in me let us grow together my tired muscles are in pain of lack my strained muscles are stiff of the effort "I am ..
Getting my heart back in

Getting my heart back in

A Poem by Jacob

Getting my heart back in how quickly does it go out off my chest beating for someone else twenty centimeters in front of me I can live like that ..
What is love?

What is love?

A Poem by Jacob

You were looking at me with your big wet eyes longing, asking, waiting and I am standing there in the rain two years after our first meeting we ..
Mother earth

Mother earth

A Poem by Jacob

Mother earth wants me to be happy wants me to enjoy the love in the eyes of the people to lough with their smile to find my safe place among my bel..