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About Me

I always thought that I was born at early morning time as my mother told me, lately I decided to find out and in the hospital in Jerusalem they said it was 9:15 in the evening. Someone very nice I know now was making me my astrological map, it appears that I am Taurus with ascendant of Sagittarius and moon in Libra.
I don't believe much in Astrology but like many things it depends on what you can take from it, and now I feel that it describes me well, trying to harmonize a slow and stubborn Taurus that doesn't like many changes with a Sagittarius that looks for adventure and traveling all the time and with a sensitive heart of Libra that search for justice, beauty and harmony. I feel the three of them now very strong.
After years of writing diaries I am new here, I'll appreciate your feedback.
See you around.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Jake! How are you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi Yaki,

Thank you so much for te beautiful reviews to my writting, "Last Journey" you capture the meaning of my words, as we all think how and what will be our last day ... have a good week Yossi