Roy : Writing

Embers: A Journal

Embers: A Journal

A Book by Roy

I have often tried to maintain a journal, and so far have failed miserably at it. This is an umpteenth attempt at the same thing, with a new approach.
Of Frowns

Of Frowns

A Poem by Roy



A Poem by Roy

Playing God?

Playing God?

A Poem by Roy

Are we God that we should decide which of our thoughts and ideas and worthwhile and which are not? Thanks Prof. Anil Gupta for the discussion.
Death of A Poet

Death of A Poet

A Poem by Roy

Resigned. Numb. Lifeless.But the heart still throbs.And the skin still sensesThe chill of the night.But there's something oddAbout the touch of the br..
Inebriated Longing

Inebriated Longing

A Poem by Roy

How I wish I could tell someoneIn words that can be comprehendedThat all my life has been worth livingDue to the one essence that never fadedFrom my t..


A Poem by Roy

Twelve miles away from homeDrifting on the water, alone,Trying to straighten the knots insideThat profess that life is a lieHere, halfway between the ..
Untold Stories

Untold Stories

A Stage Play by Roy

Based on a true incident.
On Curiosity

On Curiosity

A Stage Play by Roy

Inspired by a Bengali short story by Rabindranath Tagore.
The Renaissance Man

The Renaissance Man

A Story by Roy

This was a submission I had to make for a course on self-realization. The course is called "Shodh Yatra", which means the journey to cleanse one's min..