She keeps comparing thosefeelings to those eyes withfeelers like dandelions thatbright these damn days right.on.up.And all the choices in theworld cou..
Jimmy ate the world, the big appleand the west coastflavors of which havebeen stolen, likefire and ice androbert frostand dandelions of which thereis ..
He turned, they embraced chesttochestarms entagledas if they were grown that wayfollowed by a"No homo"I turned, outstretched hands for concave hipsp u..
like a bronze hookeron a 9 a.m. Monday morningsipping coffee from acup with red lipstick stainsin pantie hose and dontfuckme pumpsSatan in a Sunday ha..
I want a lullaby that will wash away memories, conquer sleep-deprived
insanities, and allude the craftiest of insomnia. I want a melody to
flip the ..
Urban decay in decadence, white houses, dogs and contentment,hurriedly along leashed tight to throat to chain.I think,I've grown tired of my own wishf..