Xavier Honre : Writing

Nameless Distraction

Nameless Distraction

A Poem by Xavier Honre

I just met you todayBut I feel connectedAnd oddly enough,Even protected.The look in your eyesWhen you hear that I'm gayWas burnt into my headAnd won't..
Love or Die

Love or Die

A Poem by Xavier Honre

This is about someone I've liked for a long time.
Gone but not forgotten

Gone but not forgotten

A Poem by Xavier Honre

Death can be a beautiful thing.
Say my name

Say my name

A Poem by Xavier Honre

A crush that won't go away.


A Poem by Xavier Honre

Silently I fill my Soul with the Sounds of our Solemn vowel: The Summer we met, Sneaking out to Spend time together, Singing Softly as the Su..
Smile at me, Please?

Smile at me, Please?

A Poem by Xavier Honre

It's about an Italian foreign exchange student.
Take a Stand

Take a Stand

A Poem by Xavier Honre

It is time that you stand up for what is right!
Ice Cream

Ice Cream

A Poem by Xavier Honre

I wanted to try free verse. I've decided that I don't like it.
I want

I want

A Poem by Xavier Honre

This poem is pointless, but a poem none-the-less...
How life will be...

How life will be...

A Poem by Xavier Honre

Will our lives change from this single night?

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