About Me![]() So.... I guess I should write SOMETHING about myself here... But urm... Im unsure what to write so here are some random details about me! Name: Tabassum Grade: 11 Birthday: April 26 (Taurus) Age: 17 :3 Height: 5'2" Well... I'm not exactly sure but I was about this much last time I checked which was about a year or two ago. I hope I grew taller *hopeful face* Weight: 110lb something or other Ethnicity: Bangladeshi American. Pretty much I was born and raised in America until I was 13 and then my family moved to Bangladesh which is where my parents are from and here I am currently living in this country while my awaiting the day I can return to my land *Wipes away tear* Personality/like: I'M TO AWESOME TO EXPLAIN!!! GOSH!!! (I'm also very lazy with everything, I love to procrastinate) Spare Time: Watch anime, Play video games, Draw, read a book, write stories and maybe play the piano. I also sing... very badly I might add ^-* Hate: The rest of everything :D Favourite Colors: Midnight blue, Neon green Blah, Blah, Blah. It's no fun writing about myself. NOW OFF WITH YOU PEASANT! GO ON AND READ MY STORY! And maybe while you're at it, go check out my drawings? *points to website link* ;) Comments