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The Storm The Storm

A Poem by Tori

Switch Switch

A Poem by Tori

Forbidden Forbidden

A Poem by Tori

Change Change

A Poem by Tori

Paper Cranes Paper Cranes

A Story by Tori

Oh Serenity Oh Serenity

A Poem by Tori

Dead Last Dead Last

A Poem by Tori

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Hi. I'm Tori.
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Posted 15 Years Ago

The Few
by Edgar A. Guest

The easy roads are crowded
And the level roads are jammed;
The pleasant little rivers
With the drifting folks are crammed.

But off yonder where it's rocky,
Where you get a better view,
You will find the ranks are thinning
And the travelers are few.

Where the going's smooth and pleasant
You will always find the throng,
For the many, more's the pity,
Seem to like to drift along.

But the steeps that call for courage,
And the task that's hard to do
In the end result in glory
For the never-wavering few.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Aww, thank you for the comment on my song! I don't have any music for it because... well, I suck. If I could play guitar I'd totally put at least a melody chord to it.