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XxMoonLightxX : Writing

The Note

The Note

A Poem by XxMoonLightxX

Very depressing... not my best piece of work with rhyming but it's something
The First Day

The First Day

A Poem by XxMoonLightxX

The first day I saw your handsome face, The first day you ever left a single trace, Of love and affection between you and I, I knew that day we wou..


A Poem by XxMoonLightxX

- to be truthful this isn't my work and i will not take credit for writing it this was written by a very good friend of mine and i honestly love it a..
Imaginary Light

Imaginary Light

A Poem by XxMoonLightxX

I hide in fields of paper flowers, Shying away from my long forgotten powers Living in the past of lost glory Watching raindrops fall, holding all ..
My Daily Thoughts

My Daily Thoughts

A Book by XxMoonLightxX

I guess you could call this a journal of my thoguhts for the day it will have all my pieces with the name "thought for the day" in it
Today's Thought - Life After Death...

Today\'s Thought - Life After Death...

A Chapter by XxMoonLightxX

i enjoy elaborating on my thoughts... i wasn't sure what genre to put this under either, i hope this fits some-what well
Thought of the day - 06-21-08

Thought of the day - 06-21-08

A Chapter by XxMoonLightxX

This mostly came form the current drama my ex best friend can't just let go of.
Thought of the day 07-03-08

Thought of the day 07-03-08

A Chapter by XxMoonLightxX

Needing to vent....writing is always my best venting way...
Thought Of The Day -08/15/08

Thought Of The Day -08/15/08

A Chapter by XxMoonLightxX

Just recently one of my best friends made probably the biggest mistake of her life so far. She sent a picture of herself NAKED to her ex boyfriend. Sh..
Trusting You

Trusting You

A Poem by XxMoonLightxX

Your little words don�t bother me They only prove how true you�re able to be, Which isn�t much� So ..

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