Aries : Writing

Embers Sear the Hardwood Floor

Embers Sear the Hardwood Floor

A Poem by Aries

Love burns inside us, feeding on everything. ~
In This Reflection

In This Reflection

A Poem by Aries

Coping, I guess.


A Story by Aries

The faceless Martian sky was so vicious that, for a moment, the abandoned cityline beneath it seemed to once more spring forth with life. Exotic skysc..


A Poem by Aries

I haven't written in what seems like ages - a lot has happened between now and then. Inspiration has filled the space between.
A City Of No Consequence Beset in Roses

A City Of No Consequence Beset in Roses

A Poem by Aries

This poem has gone a bit more personal than a lot of my others, while I feel it has the same general voice. I wanted to describe my take on purpose i..
Almost Home

Almost Home

A Poem by Aries

We're miles away, though at times I can honestly forget. Love spans great distances, and can make the journey that much easier.
A Farewell to Friends

A Farewell to Friends

A Poem by Aries

Friendship is something very important to me, and losing friends is painfully difficult. I've learned that friendship can be both the most beautiful ..


A Poem by Aries

A poem written after a particularly emotional day for me, both stressful and fun, mingled together in an odd mixture of nostalgia. It has a bitter af..
New Horizon

New Horizon

A Poem by Aries

I wrote this one at school just now, reflecting on my life a bit.
The Comfortable Straightjacket

The Comfortable Straightjacket

A Poem by Aries

A poem inspired by a rough day, and how love has continued to prevent me from doing stupid things to stupid people.