Love burns inside us, feeding on everything. ~
Coping, I guess.
A Story by Aries
The faceless Martian sky was so vicious that, for a moment, the abandoned cityline beneath it seemed to once more spring forth with life. Exotic skysc..
I haven't written in what seems like ages - a lot has happened between now and then. Inspiration has filled the space between.
This poem has gone a bit more personal than a lot of my others, while I feel it has the same general voice. I wanted to describe my take on purpose i..
We're miles away, though at times I can honestly forget. Love spans great distances, and can make the journey that much easier.
Friendship is something very important to me, and losing friends is painfully difficult. I've learned that friendship can be both the most beautiful ..
A poem written after a particularly emotional day for me, both stressful and fun, mingled together in an odd mixture of nostalgia. It has a bitter af..
I wrote this one at school just now, reflecting on my life a bit.
A poem inspired by a rough day, and how love has continued to prevent me from doing stupid things to stupid people.