


major writer's block...

Kingsport, TN
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Hatch. Hatch.

A Poem by Kayleigh

Release. Release.

A Poem by Kayleigh

Please. Please.

A Poem by Kayleigh

Logan Logan

A Poem by Kayleigh

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A Poem by Kayleigh

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A Poem by Kayleigh

Hungry Eyes Hungry Eyes

A Poem by Kayleigh

[untitled] [untitled]

A Poem by Kayleigh

About Me

My name is Kayleigh. I'm 22. I am married to a sweet boy and we have a two year old son who lights up our lives. I work at a bookstore, which is fitting as I love to read. I devour books. I also enjoy writing, I have for as long as I can remember. I'm currently serving as the President of The Night Writer's Guild, a local group dediccated to providing a venue to share original writings and music.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Merry October 19th

Just for you ------from

------ Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago


Just for You---- from,

----- Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Brave New World
Robert Service

One spoke: "Come, let us gaily go
With laughter, love and lust,
Since in a century or so
We'll all be boneyard dust.
When unborn shadows hold the screen,
(Our betters, I'll allow)
'Twill be as if we'd never been,
A hundred years from now.

When we have played life's lively game
Right royally we'll rot,
And not a soul will care a damn
The why or how we fought;
To grub for gold or grab for fame
Or raise a holy row,
It will be all the bloody same
A hundred years from now."

Said I: "Look! I have built a tower
Upon you lonely hill,
Designed to be a daughter's dower,
Yet when my heart is still,
The stone I set with horny hand
And salty sweat of brow,
A record of my strength will sand
A hundred years from now.

"There's nothing lost and nothing vain
In all this world so wide;
The ocean hoards each drop of rain
To swell its sweeping tide;
The desert seeks each grain of sand
It's empire to endow,
And we a bright brave world have planned
A hundred years from now.

And all we are and all we do
Will bring that world to be;
Our strain and pain let us not rue,
Though other eyes shall see;
For other hearts will bravely beat
And lips will sing of how
We strove to make life sane and sweet
A hundred years from now.