wuliheron : Writing

Unsatisfying Crap, Nothing Left Undone, Great Behinds

Unsatisfying Crap, Nothing Left Undone, Great Behi..

A Poem by wuliheron

These are direct extrapolations from the 81 poems of the Tao Te Ching, and great examples of how much information can be conveyed using vague humble m..
Humble Acceptace, Humble Pie

Humble Acceptace, Humble Pie

A Poem by wuliheron

Agnostic spirituality
The Greatest of Works

The Greatest of Works

A Poem by wuliheron

I inherited the Socratic tradition from my Irish Catholic father, who really does have the gift of sparkling laughter, and I joke with him that he is ..


A Poem by wuliheron

Imagination is more important than knowledge, while authenticity is more important than imagination.
Weeping Willow

Weeping Willow

A Poem by wuliheron

Tribal wisdom
Only the Good Die Young

Only the Good Die Young

A Poem by wuliheron

Memory-centric systems logic
Foggy Mountain

Foggy Mountain

A Poem by wuliheron

I've seen this optical illusion myself, while tribal people like me can see everything as alive and illusory.