Jamie Alexandra Cherry : Writing

Listening to My Elders

Listening to My Elders

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

While watching the sun spread across my desk, I took a rowboat and sailed it around the study. Taking detours through the book-stuffed shelves, I v..
Ocean Waves

Ocean Waves

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

Ocean tides… mermaid songs… oyster pearls… all for you. Watching waves come to shore, I now know, wha..
Living on the Ocean Floor

Living on the Ocean Floor

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

You bought your home with steel and fire, and moved onto the ocean floor. The kingdomcame with coins, pearls, and treasured lore,not to mention, free ..
Empty Briefcase of a Being

Empty Briefcase of a Being

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

I think I’ll take my feelings and hide them in a box. An ordinary briefcase, so simple and quite dull. So simple will it be, in fact, that ..
Dying Song of the Phoenix

Dying Song of the Phoenix

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

My daughter, Jamie, is a bird. Her wings are not of feathers like the mockingbird or dove. Instead, she flies with the security of faith. While..
Shut Up

Shut Up

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

Quit your crying. What the hell is wrong with you now? Shut up I’m busy don’t whine to me. Blow your nose and wipe your eyes, your pro..
Eliminating You

Eliminating You

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

A thousand bullets, a thousand words, ideas, and thoughts, things you never knew and should have known… A thousand bullets through your fles..
Walking On My Brain

Walking On My Brain

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

I have an awkward walk, my feet go in all directions even when they’re going straight. Perhaps my feet want to trade places with my brain an..
Food for Worms

Food for Worms

A Poem by Jamie Alexandra Cherry

There’s a million worms inside my chest,each gnawing, scoffing, devouring on the organ hidden underneath.An abandoned apple tossed onto the lawn..

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