Both shells of their former selves, unkempt,
she gazed upon the crumbling gables.
Esoteric thoughts tinged with cynicism raced
jointly through her mind.
She wondered how she'd allowed, what had
once been homely and pristine, to now lay
abandoned in serene silence.
With sadness she recalled, how every room used
to glisten and effervesce with laughter and how love
had been so much more than a mythical griffin...
Yes, she had been enchanted, by a silver tongue,
piercing sapphire blue eyes and a cascade of
Oscar winning promises and lies...
Running a fragile bony finger over a rusty railing,
shovel held tight within clenched shrivelled hand,
with certitude and clarity she knew this was her
penultimate time there.
A dearth of raw emotions flooded through every
fibre of her being, once the quarry, now no longer
a prisoner within his sardonic realm...
She left to bury her past...