The boulevard in bloom

The boulevard in bloom

A Poem by LoneWolf

rainy day


The universe is falling, the boulevard is in bloom. Watering can clouds gently bow over busy city sidewalks; like ethereal rivers drizzling downward upon an unending metropolis. Cascading constellations fall like liquid stars upon weary warm faces. Black parasol flowers blossom up and down the boulevard with mysterious synchronized unity; bursting skyward they rise to greet the rain with shady umbrella beauty; like a parade of dark dress maidens spiraling in the wind. Strangers waltz with strangers as silent, coalescent collisions, rapidly descend. Raindrops bead on iron castle spires, content to fall salient luminaries’ pool beneath quickly moving feet forming puddles of captured cosmic light. The universe is falling, the boulevard is in bloom.

© 2011 LoneWolf

Author's Note

I found playing these two songs simultaneously while reading created an interesting experience.

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i like how you've described spring in the city and the people there too - wonderful word choices. i really liked this as it describes spring around here perfectly; everything's in bloom yet still under rain. it's like sunshine meets gloom but somehow there's still beauty to be found in both of them. nice write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


great visuals that lend to the feelings felt as a day shifts from light to the dark shades of the city

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow. That was very good! You're much better at imagry than I am-- I could practically see the image you were describing, which is very good for a writer. Like cheez-it, I think that beginning and ending the poem with the same line was very cool. Even though I was a little confused on what you meant by 'the universe is falling', but that was soon explained.

My favorite imagry that you used in this poem would have to be 'Strangers waltz with strangers as silent, coalescent collisions, rapidly descend.'

This was really, really good. Thank you for writing!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Oooh, this is beautiful and interesting. I love the imagery you create. I can tell you have an amazing writing voice and attention to detail already, or at least it seems like it. I love how it begins and ends with the same line. I love the similes and comparisons you have in there. I'd have to say my favorite part is:

"Black parasol flowers blossom up and down the boulevard with mysterious synchronized unity; bursting skyward they rise to greet the rain with shady umbrella beauty; like a parade of dark dress maidens spiraling in the wind."

Because it is just so enchanting. This entire piece is enchanting, really, but this part is much more so. You write better imagery than I could ever hope to. It's breathtaking, and I LOVE it. ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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13 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2011
Last Updated on March 9, 2011

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