Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by Dark Angel

Some days are like Heaven. But like all good things, this day has to come to an end.


     A couple hours later, Rene` was laughing and having the time of her life with Kim. The sunshine streamed through the somewhat dark clouds and the red and yellow leaves swirled around her feet. With every step, there was a crunch as a dry leaf was stepped on. To Rene`'s delight, the slight drizzle covered Kim's eyelashes and made them stand out more. Rene` lost herself in the beautiful light brown and green in Kim's eyes. She was amazed at how beautiful Kim was and Kim didn't even

realize it.
        As they walked down the walkway to the river walk, it started to rain. Rene` screeched playfully and took off running with Kim right beside her. The cold rain
drops soaked Rene` to the bone and her hair was a matted mess when they got under the bridge. Still giggling, Rene` shook out her hair like a dog and splashed Kim with the excess water.
        "Hey," Kim yelled and giggled as Rene` ran off to the other side of the bridge, still protected from the rain. She turned around real quick to see if Kim was
chasing her and was surprised into another squeal because Kim was only a couple strides behind her. She dashed out from under the bridge and then did a 180 to avoid being caught by Kim. This continued for a good ten minutes until Rene` fell into a puddle as big as she was tall.
        Breathing heavy, Rene` looked down at the puddle to get up and saw three somethings swimming around trying to get out of the puddle and into the river a
few inches away. She panicked trying to get up and accidently flung one onto the sidewalk. She hurriedly ran toward it as it flopped around.
        "Awe," Rene` turned to Kim, "look. It's a baby catfish." Rene` picked it up and gently placed it into the river. "You wanna help me get the other two," she
asked Kim as she bent over the puddle to grab one of the other two.
        "Not really but ok." Kim snatched at one and grumbled about how slimey it felt. The look on her face made Rene` bust out laughing.
        "Here," Rene` handed Kim the jacket that was around her waiste, "since it's already wet. It might help you pick him up anyway." She continued to watch Kim
struggle with the catfish and couldn't help but think the scene in front of her was worthy of "America's Funniest Videos." Sadly, she didn't bring her camera. Rene` quickly picked up one of the catfish and tried to carry it to the river but it poked her with it's dorsel fin. With reaction to being pricked, Rene` accidently tossed the fish

into the river.
        "Well, that's one way to do it," Kim said with a chuckle.
        "Oh, hush," Rene` said as she splashed Kim with the puddle water.
        "Hey!" Kim started to pout. "I almost had him."
        It took them about another twenty minutes to get the last catfish into the river but they were laughing the entire time as he slipped out of their hands every time
they grabbed him. Finally done with their task, they drove to Kim's house in the rain.

        Arriving at the house, Rene` quickly fished some warm, clean clothes out of the dryer, said hi to Bobby Joe, ruffled Max's hair and ran into the bathroom to dry herself off and get warm. She walked out of the door smelling Kim's taco meat on the stove. Rene` took over so Kim could go change and get warm while the meat and condiments were made. Rene` was cutting up the onion when Kim came out of the bathroom and forgot Max had left his cup of milk on the counter. When she

turned around to show Kim the onion and ask her if she wanted them smaller, she accidently knocked it over. Milk flew out in an ark and landed on the floor. The tears the onion created gave Rene` an idea. She contorted her face into a grimace and pretended to sob as the onion induced tears streamed down her cheeks.
        "Don't cry over spilt milk," Kim said laughing.
        "Yeah, I know," Rene` said wiping the tears off her face and smiling, "It was the onion."
        "Oh," Kim rolled her eyes, "Yeah, right. You know you're a softy when it comes to milk."
       "Definitely. Spilt milk is my weakness."
       Rene` put the cutting board with onion on it back on the counter and found the paper towels to dry up the milk. After washing her hands, Rene` then broke
up the lettuce and yelled for everyone to come get a plate before it was all gone.
        "So, you stayin' the night again, Miss Blonde?" Bobby Joe sat down next to her on the couch and drug the coffee table over to them with his foot.
        "Umm," she finished her bite and gave a pleading look over to Kim. Kim just shrugged and took another bite of her taco. "If it's ok with you, yeah."
        Bobby Joe started laughing and wiped the taco juice off his beard that covered his face and chest. "I just don't want the cops a come knockin' on my door
lookin' for yas cuz yar missin'. Ya her?"
        "Yes, sir." She quickly took another bite of her taco and practically swallowed it hole. She didn't really fear Bobby Joe but she didn't want to over stay her
welcome and getting on his bad side was a sure way to do so. "Just let me know when you get tired of me and I'll head back home."
        "Eh. Yer knows yer welcome ter stay her as long as yer want," he said with a mouthful of food. Everyone was quiet until they had cleaned their plates atleast
twice. "Well, this her ol' fella's goin ter sleep. G'nigh' y'all." All three children chorused a goodnight and Max got up to get some more food. Rene` looked up at the ceiling and sighed.
 "Something wrong," Kim asked, putting her plate on the coffee table.
        "No," Rene` chuckled, "just over stuffed myself. Your taco recipe is the bomb." Rene` smiled and snuggled her way down into the couch and closed her
        "Tired already?" Kim stood up and grabbed one of Rene`'s feet and pulled her off the couch. "You can't be tired with as much as you slept today." She
continued to pull Rene` across the floor. "Come on, can't you get up?" They started laughing as the game continued and Rene` finally had enough strength to pull

herself up and stop Kim from dragging her. That was Rene`'s mistake because as soon as Kim's hands were free, she started tickling Rene`. Rene` then fought to breathe as the silent laughs got a hold of her.
        "Stop!" Rene` screamed with what little breath she had in her lungs. "I can't breathe!" She squirmed and kicked air for the longest time until she was able to
laugh out, "I gotta pee!"
       Only then did Kim stop and let her up. Rene` stumbled to the bathroom and relieved her punished bladder. Still laughing, she peeked out the door to make
sure Kim wasn't there to ambush her as soon as she got out. To her surprise, she couldn't see Kim anywhere, and she even thought she heard Kim in the living room talking to Max. Coutiously and quietly, Rene` dashed out of the bathroom only to be attacked again by Kim in the kitchen. Kim hoisted her up over her shoulder and started walking to the bedroom. Kicking and laughing, Rene` held on to the door frame, trying to keep herself from going into the room but failing miserably since Kim was stronger than she was. Losing the battle of strength against Kim, Rene` hung loosely over Kim's shoulder until she was tossed onto the bed with a little squeak.
       "You still tired?" Kim asked with a grin.
       "Nope," Rene` flinched a little as Kim tested her reflexes, "wasn't to begin with." By the time they were done with their tickle fights, Rene` really was tired. Even the cats seemed to be tired. All she wanted to do was stare at the ceiling and breathe. Her sides were hurting from the work out they recieved from being tickled and her cheeks were stuck in the smile Kim's tickling had created. Kim lied down next to her and Rene` played with her long, brown, wavy hair. Rene` was actually jealous of her hair because it had so much life and wasn't flat. Rene`'s hair was as flat as a peice of paper and so blond, it could've been straw. Rene` turned on her side so she could play with Kim's hair better and to watch her fall asleep. It was amazing how peaceful someone looked after they fell asleep and Kim was one of those child-like sleepers.
        Kim wrapped her arms around Rene` and Rene` smiled softly. She was glad to be in Kim's arms but again, the dreadful knowledge of knowing it wouldn't last tried to crush Rene`. Instead of letting it take hold of her chest, Rene` marveled in the time she was given to be with Kim. Because at that moment, Rene` didn't care if she lived to see tomorrow. Just being with Kim and seeing her sleep was enough for her.
        And that's when Rene` realized she loved Kim with all her being... And that scared her.

© 2011 Dark Angel

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A very good chapter. I like the conversation and emotion in this chapter. The story feel like real life. People trying to grasp and understand life. A very good ending to a excellent chapter.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 3, 2011
Last Updated on December 3, 2011


Dark Angel
Dark Angel

Invisible, FL

Time to do another biography. I'm now 25 years old with a wonderful son. I still love writing but it has been a long time since I've had the ability, muse, and time of day to write lol. Between helpin.. more..
