__Up in hightS__/A Poem by habibait'S abOut prOblemS we meet in liFe..abOut a lOst in lOve..a lie we thOught it trUe..then abOut finding my self after that lOst..knOwing that nthin' deserveS tO feel shame Or even pain..enjOywe cOunt..mistakeS..bad mOments & blameS.. bUt we fOrget..rightS..gOod mOmentS & smileS.. we feel the Shame..fOrget the nightS.. jUst remember thOse dayZ..he may he might.. we cOver the pain..afraid frOm shOwing in lightS.. we fOrgive thingS..aS little lie called white.. he said I didn't dO wrOng..I did the right.. I aSked then why!!..why we had that fight!!.. I waited fOr this..that lOok that sight.. he fOrgOt the mOon..hOw cOuld it be bright!!.. Only the sUn..cOuld give him that light.. that'S why I lOved U..that day U were bright.. yes..I waS scared..nOt frOm morrOw.. I was sCared to bOrrow frOm U..that sOrrow.. bUt sweety wake Up...U are nOt zOrrO.. I will start my life..lOving in tOmorrOw.. I have my Own way...I have my Own fOllow.. gOd bleSs u..bleSs memOrieS..U mOrOn.. U made me fOund..the trUth Of me.. a Star that brightS..alOne in my nightS.. nO need fOr the sUn..tO make it bright.. he is Up..Up in hights..:) I write it fOr him..fOr him that rhyme..
© 2011 habibaAuthor's Note
Added on October 30, 2011 Last Updated on October 30, 2011 Author