simple days

simple days

A Chapter by sheriH 2

Sometimes i wonder why dose  everything seem like a movie to me.
I can be sitting in a room typeing like this and i think  of a movie secen, the thoought of 
Perhaps i watch to manny movies acurred to me but i dont think thats the case.
For onther werid fact i have in my head and feel like writeing down everything is a book to me.
Day after day i thuink of new books to write and conflix that can happen in them.i can say that i 
Love to write, poems ,notesect as long as my mìis going with thought the thought of books and rythemitic
Words flow through my head that even at times i cant think straight.I dont know where im going with this
Entry but i feel as if i nedded to write vit down.Im in my liveing room with my beloved
Mother and brother ,as for my father has gone to do some bussine.Tecno electronic roots are playing in the left over
Quitness in the room for my beloved ones are talking of video games.I wonder why i talk like
A old man when im typeing its like my mind has its own voice and the tone is that of a mature adult.
Agin im babling lets get to a topic. Books no,.. cats yes. my beloved cat died today but to my amazement 
She came back to life. this is no lie i grant yopu this. My mother had tould me i had smashed her while
Tosseing and turning while i was asleep.Im not considerd fat or a more aporite word. Over weight
I am just tall and heavy my father says its due to me haveing thick bones but that makes no sence in my oppion.
Back to the story ,i had smashed her and she was hàas a rock and my mother did not dear to wake me
For she knew i would cry and scream like a child whinning for a ice cream. she rubed and cryd and sacome back
And out of the amazment befor jher eyes she began to breath and move like nothing had happend.
My mother had tould me the story when i awoke ,i was shocked and near tears.And i knew she was not lieing for a split second last night as i reaslessly tossed about i felt her under me and i thought she was fine beacuse she always sleeps
Under my legs or where ever she can just as long as shes touching me.I am a beilever that cats have eight lives ,my dear monkey has sevcen now due to my careless tosseing.Like i said in my other enrty i am not the best 
Sleeper in the world for the past days since my mother has been home i dont wake up in
The middle of the night in a cold sweat.I have had werid dreams i do say that but i will keep that to
myself for i dont feel like straining my head to rember it for i hae a huge head achk. my spelling is terriable in
This entry i know this just vplease bear with it i cant use my    head to good right now.
What i wonder is what am i to do about my over free time i write and draw nonstop i feel tired of the same 
Retind life i live. i wish that life can be as in my imagination fun and full of excitemnt something that 
Just makes you grasp the alive feeling of life. yet i come to the conculson such things are just in books
And fairy tails.Perhaps tyhats why i day dream more then the average human being.
I have a terrory  would you like to hear it? i doubt to have a choice foe your already sucked into what im
Saying if not your one of those who dont care to listen to my nonsence. I give you a yaa for that becuse
If you read to this long you like my nonsence,. Back to my terroy.
My thoeroy is that jobs for us writers isnit about the money for fame its about being heard
Writeing books we want to see in the world. from child books to murrder sinister books some of us fear
Never to read we all have out own eye on some dream or what we want to see in the world.
We write what we wanr ro see in the world. some of us have not found our voice in the writing world
But one day it wiol come you can be a narrator a first person voice or even a second or third we all have a
Voice the goal of us writers is to find it.

© 2014 sheriH 2

Author's Note

sheriH 2
Please excuse all the errors that are in this texti have a head spliting head achk or however u spell it,
Give me ur thoughts

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Added on November 11, 2014
Last Updated on November 11, 2014


sheriH 2
sheriH 2

Stockton, CA

Im a person who is allways thinking how things work what makes them tick , what gives them peruse , how they're used. I spend my days writing and daydreaming I get lost in the world of my surroun.. more..
