![]() Smelling of RosesA Chapter by zoerunning![]() Lou is going to meet up with Tom for an explanation what will it be? or will she get one at all.![]() I returned home dreading having to meet Tom in Hyde Park at
least the day couldn’t get any worse? I had figured it all out I will go and see
him and once and for all get the truth. I wasn’t going to make an effort so I just
threw on some clothes; I have no reason to make an effort for him. I was just
picking up my bag when Liz walked in. “Hey good luck Lou I’m sure you will be fine you had a lucky
escape and now you give him all you’ve got.” She said hugging me. “Thanks Liz your right I know I will be ok lucky I don’t have
feelings for him.” I say smiling up at her, I knew it was a bit of a lie but I couldn’t
help myself, I know it’s bad but it is true I am going to give him a piece of
my mind and nothing more. So it doesn’t really matter. I can get over it, I am
used to having to do that so doing it now isn’t going to be an issue. “Very true anyway I hope the scumbag gets dumped I have no
idea who she is but his girlfriend deserves better.” I know she is trying to
make me feel better but he hasn’t really done anything wrong to me, morally he
is wrong yes and god I wish he hadn’t kissed me but he did and that’s that I need
to go and see him and see what the hell is going on. “I have no idea what will happen but I will keep you
informed.” I said hugging her before I went to leave. All day I had the perfect
things to say in my head, but as I got into the taxi they just went and vanished
leaving my mind totally blank. In about 15 minutes I was in Hyde Park waiting
at the designated place he had said and no Tom. Great so he won’t even give me
an explanation of why he publicly turned me into a relationship wrecker! Anger washed over me like a tidal wave, how
could I let him get to me like this by that time I had been waiting for 20 minutes
no wonder I was angry. Just as it hit
the half an hour mark I had had enough and was just about to go home when he
came running towards me down the path. “I am so so sorry I’m late training ran over I tried to
leave but the coach wouldn’t let me.” Then from behind his back he produced a
bunch of flowers and handed it to me with that cheeky grin of his. No I thought
I need to be angry at you, you can’t be nice now! “Thank you.” I said as I take the flowers off of him. “Why
did you ask me here Tom?” I say not
wanting to beat around the bush. “I wanted to say sorry I know I caught you off guard and everything
I just couldn’t help myself.” I look at him in disbelief. “You couldn’t help yourself?” “I don’t mean it like that, your beautiful, do an amazing
job and you are lovely how can any guy resist?” “Quite easily they have morals they don’t cheat on their
girlfriend! I’m nothing amazing Tom, I don’t look like some amazing model or celebrity
I am just me and practically everyone else has stayed away from me all to easily so why can’t
you!” “I don’t want a model or a celebrity I want someone like you
who doesn’t care what other people think and just do their own thing. Models
and Celebs are ok for a while but they are boring as hell well most of them I’ve
met they are so high maintenance that you never get to mess around and be
silly, play fight joke around and that’s what I want.” “if that’s the case then why are you dating a model then?” “Because I was stupid and young when I first went out with
her and I’ve never met anyone else who could come close to what I really want
until I met you.” I was in utter shock
does he think I will believe this bullshit? “That is a load of s**t do you really think I am stupid
enough to believe that crap coming out of your mouth, I have heard stuff like
this to many times Tom and I’m not falling for it now.” I say as I walk away I can’t
believe this bull, and I am determined that I won’t. Like I said I have heard
it all before and I have been let down by every single one of them and you know
what for once in my life I won’t believe it, that is it I won’t let him get to
me, I won’t give him the satisfaction. I can hear him shouting after me to wait
but I just couldn’t I started running. After about 5 minutes I stopped, I had
to talk to someone Liz was out with Robert (her boyfriend) along with a couple
of our other close friends Lilly and Oliver and Sam and Mick. They only one I could
think have was Stan. I rang his number pleading for him to pick up, come on
come on. “Hey!” Said Stan in his normal cheery voice, at that moment I
broke down it just all got on top of me. “Whats wrong Lou Lou Belle? What happened?” “Sorry Tom just met me with flowers and started talking out
of his arse saying how I was the type of girl he was waiting for blab la bla.” “Then why are you upset don’t you like him?” “It’s not that he is taken Stan I can believe that s**t he
was saying it’s me since when have things turned out right.” “Just because your unlucky doesn’t mean it will fail now you
know what come round mine il cook us some pasta and have a bottle or 2 of wine
and you can tell me all about it sound good?” “Yeah thanks Stan I don’t know what I would do without you I
will be there as quick as I can sorry I look a state though.” “Don’t worry about I’ve just got back from the gym I don’t exactly
smell of roses.” I laughed “see made you
laugh.” “Thanks Stan” He always knows how to cheer me up, suddenly
there is a huge smile on my face, I hail a cab and give the driver Stan’s address
and within 10 minutes I was on his front
step. © 2012 zoerunning |
StatsAuthor![]() zoerunningLiverpool, United KingdomAboutI am new to all this so would greatly appreciate knowing what everyone thinks if its good or bad :) thanks more..Writing