![]() Date with disaster ?A Chapter by zoerunning![]() is going on a date with a taken rugby player the best thing to do ? Curiosity got the better of her will it be what she is expecting ? what does he want from her?![]() The next day a text came from Tom telling me the time and
place of where we were going to meet it read. Hey J it’s Tom I thought we could
go to Wagamama’s at about 7pm? Let me know see you soon xxx. I sat at work
reading it, probably taking too much time thinking of how to reply. I can sort
that out later, work is more important. I get back to trying to work out what
my idea for next week’s Column will be. After an hour of looking through
catwalk shots and celeb photos, I choose my theme and email it to the editor
for conformation that my idea is ok. I
then re-read the text from tom, damn him he chose my favourite restaurant. My
wall was slowly coming down, but I don’t think that I am in any danger of
liking him now I know he is taken, I think to myself. I will have a nice
dinner, find out what he wants and that is all. I eventually work out what I shall
say to him and send the text. Hey Tom J
that sounds great I will see you there xxx. “What ya doing?” said Liz playfully taking my phone out of
my hands and reading what I had said to Tom. “What do you think? Is what I said ok do you think?” I say
looking up hopefully at her inwardly praying that I had done the right thing; I
don’t want to give Tom the wrong impression do I. She reads over the text for a moment before
replying. “Yeah its fine don’t worry.” She said smiling at me; a warm
sense of relief welled over me. I was very happy that I had spared myself more embarrassment.
Now all of our work for the day being done me and Liz took the 15 minute
journey to the home they shared. The beautifying schedule that they both use when
they need to look their best was put to good use. Exfoliating, buffering,
plucking, waxing, washing and moisturising all done and dusted within an hour
and a half. I then looked at the time I only had an hour before I needed to be there
and I wasn’t even dressed yet S**T!! In the quickest time possible I put on the
dress that, me and Liz had picked out the night before and put on my make-up.
With about 15 minutes to get to the restaurant I had said goodbye to Liz and
was out of the flat and hailed a taxi and on my way to meet Tom. With the rush
of getting ready and everything I didn’t have time to feel nervous or overthink
which are things I normally do. So not thinking these things is very strange to
me, not that I am complaining. Before I know it I have arrived at my destination
right on time, I go to pay the taxi driver but before I do Tom opens the door
of the Taxi and pays it himself. I am absolutely startled at what he has just
done it saved me like £10 but he took me by surprise. “Glad you could make it” he said smiling down at me, his
eyes really are beautiful, looking me up and down he then said. “You look
amazingly beautiful this evening.” “Thank you very much.” I say blushing slightly, I can’t help
it damn him the man is almost irresistible. I then find myself wishing he was
single, but he isn’t so I bring myself back to the present conversation and try
and forget any chance of dating him. We walk into the restaurant and are seated
and are left alone. Luckily despite it being a designer dress it is still
casual enough for a place like Wagamamas, I definitely don’t want to be over
dressed well done Liz she definitely did well with this one. We sit for a moment deciding what to eat and
then make our order. We spend the next few minutes chatting about this and
that, we got on rather well if it was a real date I dare say I would most definitely
want to see him again. Soon I grow a little impatient I had to know why he
asked me here. “At the risk of seeming a little impatient how come you asked me
here this evening.” I say regretting it as soon as the words left my mouth, I was
bracing myself for a cold reply but I was to be surprised. “I wondered when you would ask that.” He said very shyly,
his response confused me; it threw me completely what could he possibly be embarrassed
about. “Why are you embarrassed don’t want to be seen in public
with me?” This comment seemed to cheer him up a bit, which is one good thing to
come out of this. “Of course I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you, I just don’t
think I have acted very well.” I was shocked at his honesty at least he has
some good qualities. “Don’t worry about it I’m fine.” I say smiling before I know
it we were in such a deep conversation that I totally forgot about the question
of why I was there. I ask him the question again this time determined to get a
proper answer from him this time. I think he knew this time he couldn’t get
away with not being honest with me. “Well you did such a good job with my clothes the other day;
I was wondering if you could work for me permanently as my stylist?” He looked
at me expectantly I don’t think anyone has ever said no to him before. I was in
utter shock there were all sorts of scenarios that I had created in my head in
the last 24 hours and this never ever entered my head once. It seemed so
obvious that would be what he would want from me now. With everything whirling
around in my head I realised I had forgotten to answer, I try to think of something
that doesn’t make me sound hard hearted or disappointed. “Thank you for the offer Tom but my contract won’t let me do
free-lance work on the side.” I say attempting to look disappointed that I couldn’t
take him up on his offer. I did feel guilty when I saw the disappointment on
his face, then I realise all the disappointment he has caused me and the
feeling soon subsides. The rest of the dinner was lovely we got on really well
despite everything that had happened; I know this sounds cliché but I really
hope we can be friends. After about an hour and a half he pays the bill (he refused
to let me pay my half!) We then left, he hailed me a taxi. “Thank you for dinner and sorry I can’t help.” I say smiling
at him. “Don’t worry about it.” He reply’s, we say goodnight and as I
was turning to get into the taxi he took hold of my arm and turned me to face
him. For a moment we just stood there looking into each other’s eyes, why I wasn’t
resisting god knows. Just as I was about to turn again to get into the taxi he
pulled me close to him and kissed me. © 2012 zoerunning
StatsAuthor![]() zoerunningLiverpool, United KingdomAboutI am new to all this so would greatly appreciate knowing what everyone thinks if its good or bad :) thanks more..Writing