Time to choose

Time to choose

A Chapter by zoerunning

After getting the number of a very attractive rugby player, you wouldn't have thought making a choice of what to do with it would be so hard .Wrong Louise has no idea what to do with this bit of luck.

After the night of drinking and talking, me and Liz woke up to blazing headaches from the amount of alcohol we had consumed the night before. 
"Oh god I am never drinking that much again!"  Said Liz sleepily holding her head. I couldn't help but laugh. 
"I guarantee that by next week you will have another drink in your hand." She looks at me knowing my statement is true. We both stretch out like cats as we slowly wake up.   slowly but surely the full scale of our hangovers become apparent, as we both groan at the pain we are in.  Luckily we don't have to be in work until 12.30. We try to rectify the hangover we both have. With a bacon and sausage sandwich, one of the best hangover cures ever invented, works every time. By the time its 11.30 we are wide awake and feeling considerably better, and we are almost ready for work. In the hangover haze, and rushing to get ready I had totally forgotten about the number, that I had been holding the entire time. I know it sounds stupid to say that I have no idea what to do with it. I can picture half the population screaming he's cute just bloody call him already, do it for woman kind. It isn't that I don't want to call him I do, but the 'don't want to get hurt' wall is up to maximum capacity, and the thought of asking him out and laying my cards on the table sends me into momentary panic. By the time I eventually get to work, the column for the sports week issue still not finished, and all I can think of is the number which is sitting on the desk in front of me. I then look at the clock and see that my column needs to be emailed to the editor for printing by 3.30, and its now 2. I try to get my mind back onto clothing and fashion, I'm not going to let a stupid number stop me from doing my job. Eventually by 3.20 it's finished and emailed to my editor, finally breath a sigh of relief as work for the week is now over and I can now relax, and do what the hell I want all weekend. I start getting my things to leave for the weekend when Liz walks up and picks up the number on my desk. 
"Soooo is this the hottie's number by any chance." She said examining it. "Yes it is." She lifts the number out of my reach. "come on Liz give it back your not a child."  She laughs and gives me back the napkin with the number on it. "thank you." I say as I put the number into my pocket 
" I was merely ascertaining how much you wanted this number and it appears you want it rather badly." I look at it a moment and I realise that she is right I do want it and I do want to see him again. Its just going to take a lot of courage to phone him. Walking home I gradually come to a conclusion that not phoning him and at least seeing if it could work would be pathetic. So by the time I got through the front door of my flat, I had decided that I would bite the bullet grow some lady balls as one of our friends Charlotte would say. What is the worst that could happen ? I have nothing to loose and It would mean taking control of my life, which is resolution number 3 I believe well it would come under that one. Right now I'm really rather happy with myself. I walk in to Liz preparing dinner for the evening. "Hey ! Is spag boll and garlic bread ok for dinner?." Shouts Liz from the kitchen. " Of course smells yum." I say walking through to the kitchen to see her. "Anything I can do to help?" 
"Nope I'm fine thanks." While Liz is cooking I start thinking of what to say to the ridiculously attractive rugby player. I wont lie to you it is very difficult coming up  with what to say, I never knew how difficult it would be and how much thought goes into it. I have to say if anyone ever asks me out I will fully appreciate the trouble that they would have gone to ,because its not as easy as going up to someone and asking them out it takes a lot of courage. Liz can tell that my mind is focused else were . "What's up Lou ?." She asks looking across the dinner table.
"Nothing I'm just thinking of what to say to the rugby guy." 
"Ah Tom, you want some help ?" 
"Sure I could probably do with some to be honest with you."
"Right ok then lets get thinking It wont be that bad I know you can do it its only a phone call after all." She was right it is only a phone call, but I can't help that feeling in the pit of my stomach that's saying I might get hurt. I know you need to take risks with love to get anywhere that's part of its beauty, but right now I'm not sure that I can take being let down again already. Then I think of my new years resolution number 3- do what makes you happy. Seeing someone like him would make me happy, so I guess I need to man up and just do it how hard can it be anyway? During the rest of dinner me and Liz come up with some things that I could say, now knowing that there is no backing out of it as Liz threatened to throw away my new red Valentino dress that I got given as a Christmas bonus. I must admit there are lots of things people could say when asking someone out, and eventually we both ended up narrowing it down to two possibilities. The only difference being were we where going to go and the greeting. As dinner was finished and the washing up and drying nearing completion the time to make the phone call neared ever closer. Before I knew it Liz had handed me the number and told me to ring it. So I walked towards my bedroom unsure if I was walking into my doom/ own embarrassment, from which I would never return. Or if it would all work out for the best, running on auto pilot I Punched the number into my phone and it started ringing. 

© 2012 zoerunning

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For me a Ruby Guy is very original. Love this story!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Gosh darn it - you had to end it there didn't you? xx

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 31, 2012
Last Updated on May 31, 2012
Tags: Luck, Romance, Men, Fiction, Choices, Single, dating



Liverpool, United Kingdom

I am new to all this so would greatly appreciate knowing what everyone thinks if its good or bad :) thanks more..

Bad breakup Bad breakup

A Chapter by zoerunning