The ex at the door

The ex at the door

A Chapter by zoerunning

after him saying his love for her, will he stay away?


I put the phone down and tried to forget about what Darren had said to me. I couldn’t stop wondering why he said that, why now. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t figure it out. In the end I had to try and just take my mind off of it, I could not let myself go back to him so I would just forget he ever said it. It was the best way I knew to deal with it. I made myself busy by cleaning out my room sorting through everything. (Not something I do often) Liz came home and realised something wasn’t quite right.

“You never sort your crap out unless something has happened what is it?” She knows me so well it’s scary sometimes. I then told her everything that Darren had said to me, along with everything at work she just stood there open mouthed in the doorway to my bedroom.

“Are you not going to say anything.” I felt bad for shouting at that girl from work and the whole thing with Tom and Darren, her silence was just making me feel even more guilty than I already felt.

“I can’t believe it! You said that you, I have to say I am impressed well done Lou you have finally taken my advice and not taken s**t from them.” Relief washed over me making me feel so much better. She was right all of them had hurt me and now they know it, it’s not my fault if it upsets them, they didn’t care about me. I hug her and say.

“Thanks Liz for everything.” She smiles and says.

“Don’t worry about it I think you need some wine down you, after the day you have had.” I thanked her as she walked out of my room to get some wine. I decided things were already sorted and duly left them. We sit down in the living room with our wine and my mobile rings. I look to see who it is from, after the last few weeks I was no longer taking any chances. It was my boss I picked it up and tried not to sound intoxicated.

“Evening Hilda what can I do for you?”

“There Is a fashion show on tomorrow in some chic up and coming area of London forgotten what its called but I am emailing you details, I want part of your column to be on it.” Thank god I didn’t want to be in the office tomorrow, perfect opportunity.

“Sure of course I will be there, does anymore work need to be done on the dating section?”  I was holding my breath hoping that it would be good enough for her.

“Oh yes darling very entertaining readers will love it, oh that reminds me the photo shoot  for your new  column is on Friday  I will  send more details on that tomorrow see you soon.” I put the phone down and tell Liz what Hilda wanted with me at such a late hour.

“Seems like luck has struck there, do you think Hilda did it so you would be out of her way?”  Liz had a point, but I liked Hilda I hoped it was just out of office work.

“I have no idea I hope not, I will soon find out though if your right.” I could tell Liz was worried for me and it made me slightly nervous. To get me through I just said to myself that if she wanted to fire me she would have so for now at least I could think of myself as safe. Liz and I spent the rest of the night watching girly films with wine, cocktails, and of course junk food and face packs, they are just mandatory. We were half way through sex and the city and only gotten to our chocolate face masks when there was a knock on the door. Who the hell would be knocking on the door at this time of night. I get up from the sofa and open the door and Darren all 6ft of him was standing in my doorway. Liz seeing who it was jumps off the sofa like some sort of ninja. I honestly have never seen her move so fast; she moved in front of me and said.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing here?”  Looking at him with razor blade eyes.

“I am here to talk to Lou can you move please Liz.”

“No! You can’t, what makes you think she wants to talk to you after what you did to her, she isn’t some masochist you narcissistic b*****d, your so wrapped up in what you want you don’t give others a second thought so go f**k yourself!” She then slammed the door in his face, it was a magnificent performance I have to admit, and she seemed very happy with it and with good reason. But something inside me just wouldn’t let me leave it.

“I will talk to him it will be fine and thanks for what you did.” I said appreciatively, as I opened the door.

“What do you want Darren and make it quick.” I move out of the way to let him in.

“You know what I want Lou, and fine I know you hate me now but I just can’t let you go you mean everything to me, and I can’t believe how stupid I was.”

“Come on you’re not going to believe this bullshit surely.”

“Liz please I am fine I love you and thank you for looking out for me but I can handle this please trust me on this.”

“Ok if you’re sure.” She says as she goes into the kitchen to leave me and Darren alone to talk.

“At last.” He says as he moves slowly towards me, trying to kiss me. I slap him

“No Darren! Tell me what you want to say and then leave.”

“I thought that everything was ok now that we were going to start things up again.” He said nursing his red cheek; I pride myself on a good slap.

“I never said that at all and you know it I said I would think about it and agree to be a friend that is all.”

“But you still love me you said.”

“Yes I love you but I can’t go back to you not now, too much has happened that I can’t forget or forgive in a hurry.”

“Ok I understand well meet me for drinks tomorrow? Talk more?”

“As friends yes I will.” I notice chocolate face pack on his white work shirt collar, I point to it and apologise.

“Don’t worry it’s my fault I shouldn’t have you know tried to push you to far I know what you’re like remember.”

“Yes I remember but I don’t know you anymore good night Darren.” I hold open the door and he leaves, he stops half way down the stairs and says

“Goodnight Lou I will talk to you about tomorrow.” I close the door I had no way to know if what I had done was good or bad, but I couldn’t just let him go and forget him and move on I wasn’t quite ready yet. 

© 2012 zoerunning

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Added on July 27, 2012
Last Updated on July 27, 2012
Tags: Love, Romance, Single, Fiction, Young adult, Men, Dating



Liverpool, United Kingdom

I am new to all this so would greatly appreciate knowing what everyone thinks if its good or bad :) thanks more..

Bad breakup Bad breakup

A Chapter by zoerunning