![]() Chapter 3 Sunday A HolidayA Chapter by Z.I.MahmudChapter Three Sunday a Holiday I was back from the nature park to my home. I went to the hall room where I found Elizabeth talking with her friend Molly. Aunt Molly was exactly looking like Elizabeth . She has round and crawly hair tightly tied with hair pins, a flat nose, blue eyes, large and nail polished nails, sometimes crimson and sometimes red coloured lipsticks on her lips. Aunt Molly was very fashionable indeed. She always does make up, wears high heel shoes and carries a jute bag everywhere she goes. But this time she brought a few luggage with her. The same thing happened before few years ago when she came from France on a vacation. But this time she had come from another country. We were surprised to meet each other. "Oh! dear Bill. How have you been?" "Hello! Aunt Molly. I'm fine and my exams are over as well. Finally I'm spending holidays." "Wow! Fine! Did you arrange a party? Or something else?" "Come on! aunty. It's not like that this time because I've decided that I'm not giving a party." "But you can attain your friends' parties and be a part with them." "Yes, I'm thinking to do that." I could hear aunt Molly talking to Elizabeth. maybe she was saying, "No, problem, Elizabeth. Wait and see how I change his mood and make him to throw a party." I was waiting for this opporunity. "What about your friends, Bill?" "Well they're fine. Westwood remians busy reading his lessons for the next term and Ben is good and enjoying his holidays. " "Okay, Fine..Let's have dinner now", said Elizabeth. I asked Aunty, "Aunt Molly, where have you come from this time?" "I came from Japan, Bill." "First have your dinner, Bill and let your aunt rest.You can talk in the morning." We went to sleep after having dinner but Elizabeth and her friend would talk for hours till late night. Early in the morning I woke up. It's Sunday today. It's ususal holiday and we start our day with opening of letters. There is no sun to be seen and it's a cold and windy day. It's 7:00 am and I can remember about my newspaper and magazines subscriptions. Last day, I had subscribed "Reader's Digest" and "The New York Times" online. Edward was roaming here and there. Something was in his hands. When I followed him, he was trying to avoid me. Then I stopped following and went downstairs to check the mail slot nearer to our house garden and courtyard. I jumped with joy as I came to find my letters. I could see Elizabeth and her friend walking and coming towards the mail slot. I took my letters and they took theirs and went to our respective places. All of us were busy reading our weekend letters in our respective rooms locked.But alas! Our letters got exchanged! We opened our doors and met in the hall. "I've the letter of Elizabeth from her friend", Benca, said I. "I've the the letter of Aunt Molly from her office", said Edward. Aunt Molly said, "Ben! Your've got many letters and those all're with me!" Elizabeth said, "Edward, you've received a letter from one of your friend." At last we got our letters and went back to our rooms. I received three letters excluding Ben's. One was from Westwood, another one was from my pen friend Amy and the last was a kind of mysterious letter because it had no information on the enevelope and the post card. I threw that letter in the dustbin thinking it was scam. Then I opened the letters and started reading them. Dear Bill, Would you not be tempted to see the attractions of Florida? I'm sure you'll be happy to come to our country. You're cordially invited to make a tour here in the next dry season or if possible this year's monsoon. Florida is one of the finest attractions for tourists, has many bewitching places with uncommon scenic beauty. I shall take you there to make your tour worth remembering. No more today. Don't forget to write to me in return mail. Yours Truly, Amy Dear Bill, Take my cordial love. Hope you are fine and doing well. Due to exam end, we've organized a party and we're happy for your consent. Let me inform you that we're going to the movie theatre this afternoon. I'll be picking you sharp at 4:00 pm. So, be ready. Yours Friend, Ben Now, it was my turn to reply to the mails. Dear Amy, Thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit Florida. I'm really excited and interested to come to Florida and witness the uncommon scenic beauty. You'll be glad to know that aunt Molly has come from Japan and definitely we'll visit lots of places including Florida. At the end I'd like to convey my best wishes for your career and passion for music. Best Wishes! Yours Faithfully, Bill I had written Amy's mail and stamped the post cards and stickers and then sealed it in the official envelope. After that I texted Ben. Dear Ben, It's me Bill. I got your letter. Thanks for coming to pick me. I'm getting ready and I'm waiting for your arrival. Yours Ever, Bill It is 10 o'clock and we all sat for breakfast in the dinning room between the kitchen and the hall. We ate slices of breads with jam and butter, steaks of beef. When at last, Aunt Molly finished her breakfast and started to talk about Japan. Japan is a beautiful and strange place full of traditions and cultures that seems to be so remote from the rest of the world. I visited a temple on my tour. It was among the cliff of the snow covered hills of the mountains. A beautiful wooden building, it was built in honour of an empress. With its lovely lush greenery and bridges that lent over sparkling lakes and rivers full of colourful forms gliding gracefully to and fro in the water, a wonderful picture full of colour, freshness and life was created. There were nightingales in every tree, singing to their hearts, content transforming the trees into delicate green gramophones tinkling with music. It was a tranquil place filled with peace and emotions that travelled in the air among the sounds of the babbling of the rivers and the lovely bird song. My modern grey camera could capture little of its beauty but the memory is evergreen in my mind. As I moved on deeper into the temple I was suddenly surrounded by aromas of different herbs and spices and the gentle humming of the priests within. Delicate young ladies drapped in traditional , colourful kimonos drifted silently in and out like fairies bowing at anyone who passed by. Upon entering the temple, I encountered numerous humps of red cloth with bald shiny heads glowing in the warm, golden light produced by the lanterns that hung from the ceiling. They were bowing before immense gold statues of smiling, content faces of the Gods. I was offered some green tea that once down my throat created a warm sensation of peace within my body, andI was transformed to a distant world. "Really it is a wonderful place that you won't leave" whispered Aunt Molly. "Wow! Really amazing! said all of us." Everyone was now busy. Aunt Molly had a call from her office and she immediately went away in the guest room. Elizabeth went to the study room to check her examination copies and Edward went to to his room. I went to Elizabeth and asked, "Have you called the mechanic?" "Yes, I've and he'll shortly be coming." "Okay, then let me go and receive him from the workshop." I came back from my house into the streets. The mechanic's workshop was far away from the house. It was nearly 500 meters. I took my letters with me to deposit in the mail box. After depositing, I haired a taxi. "Hello! Uncle, could you please take me to the main road and shopping district." "Sure, kid. Get in." I got into the taxi and the driver uncle started driving. The road was free as usual. It took twenty five minutes to reach the workshop. I paid the taxi driver uncle and conveyed thanks. There I met the mechanic repairing TVs. "Hello! Uncle. I'm Ben, the one who had called you last day. Actually my cousin's television set is disturbing. Please come with me and kindly repair." We went the house and I took him to the store room beside the garage. I showed him the TV and he began repairing it. The mechanic uncle went away after being paid. After having my lunch, I began to dress myself. I searched the cloth stocks and found a nice t shirt and jeans. I took them to Elizabeth and showed her which one should I wear. Elizabeth gave me that blue jeans trousers and blue t shirt. I dressed myself and then I sprayed body sprays. I wanted to do a hair do but I was scared of Elizabeth who doesn't like that. However, I went in front mirror of the basin and sprayed little hair spray. "But I don't like spiky hair and just a normal hair do will work.You don't need to worry" ..I said to Edward who caught me at last. It was 3:50 pm and ten minutes left for the arrival of Ben. I could see Elizabeth in the kitchen washing the plates in the basin. "Come early!" "Okay!" Ben entered into the house sharp at four. Aunt Molly came our of her room as she came to know about my friend and what I was upto. "Hi! Dear Ben." "O! Hello! Aunt Molly. How are you?" "I'm fine. Thank You" "Come to our house after watching the movie. Come now and then. Come everytime and come often." Ben was confused what to say. We got into the car which seemed to be a Meercedes. It was very cold outside and snowy. It was snowing very heavily. "Take care My Dear Ben and Bill, said Aunt Molly." "Bye". We went down the Grand Road by the Mercedes. Ben suddenly said, "The movie theatre is near to the shopping complex." "Ben, you're looking handsome wearing the shirt and pants." "Oh! Thanks. The credit goes to my uncle who is an expert in all these." "Who else is accompanying us?" I asked Ben after he took the car heading towards the Rising Towns. "Well, Westwood has agreed to join with us but David is at home. He remains busy because his brother came from Hong Kong last day." "That's the case. He's trying to avoid us. Maybe his brother got something special for him. " Ben parked the car near to the garage and went to fetch Westwood. They came down after a few minutes. "Hello! Westwood!" "Hi Bill" "Nice to meet with you people said Westwood." Again we go into the car and reached the movie theatre. There was a short queue and we were lucky to get our tickets early. Westwood and I went into the cafeteria to bring popcorn. And we altogether went inside the movie theatre and watched, "Harry Potter". Really we had enjoyed a lot watching the movie in 3D. It was almost evening and Ben was taking his car out from the parking zone. Then Westwood brought ice creams and after having ice creams we started our back to home journey. Westwood was dropped at Rising Towns and Ben dropped me at my home. It was very cold and at night, we started to freeze and shiver. But coffee and Aunt Molly's stories could keep us alright. The fire was supposed to be lighted from the below of the chimney. I went to the garage to bring some stocks of woods to lit the fire and use those woods as burners after being lighted with matches. There I could feel some strange feelings. As it was growing very dark at night and the shadows of those tall trees seemed to frighten me. Then I went back to my room and felt very uncomfortable and scary. Yet after that I was quite easy and went to sleep dreaming sweet dreams.
© 2013 Z.I.Mahmud |
Added on June 25, 2013 Last Updated on June 25, 2013 Author