Chapter 2 A Saturday

Chapter 2 A Saturday

A Chapter by Z.I.Mahmud

Chapter 2 A Saturday

The next morning I was wake up by the chirping noises of birds from my window side. The view of outside was very nice and it was a bright sunny day. The weather was very pleasant.The morning's breeze could be enjoyed in the courtyard of the garden and so I went there. "Today it seems to be a bright sunny day" whispered a voice from the back. It took a minute for me to turn back and look. "Hey! Paul" Paul is my good neighbour and he is the elder brother of Pink. He is a white and bright in colour with long black beard, white and yellow checks, browned hair and of twenty two years of age. The most interesting thing about Paul was that he was a very good cook. "Hello, Bill. How are you?" "I'm fine and what about you?" "Everything is going fine with me." "When did you come from your granny's house?""I came at yesterday's night." "Fine....can we walk and talk together for a while?" "Yes, ofcourse. Why not! sure!" We were walking through the alley of our garden and started to chat. It's usual for Paul to ask about my studies first and that came true when he finally said, "How's your study going?" He paused for a sec....Then he asked, "And what about your results?" I took a deep breath and then said, "Well! I'm doing good and results will be declared the next month." Then Paul conveyed me best wishes from his side. "Thanks Paul. You're really a caring person." Hey! How's your cooking going? I have a big idea in my mind. Why don't we open a Recipe Club? That sounds good. Isn't it? You can be my trainer and teach me how to cook." Paul took a deep breath and whispered, "A Recipe Book". "Yes, I've that and it's a big one taken from the library. It is called "The Recipe Club." "Great! It'll help you a lot. Indeed you've got a good one with you." "It's almost late and I need to go. Okay, Bye and See you soon." "Bye"

I went to my house and ran into my room then I found Edward studying in the library. This time I could see him more serious than earlier. I hope and pray to God so that He helps him to pass with flying and good grades. The kitchen seemed to be busy and I knew Elizabeth was handling the breakfast.

At last, Elizabeth noticed me. Then she stared at me with her scary eyes. "What happened? Are you alright" "Why are you staring at me like that? And nothing happened to me and I'm well." "Did you drench in the rain last night?" "No, I didn't drench in the rain." But your voice doesn't admit it. Speak me the truth. I know you're lying. " "But mom, I had coffee." "Don't argue, Bill. I was very conscious and careful since your childhood and never let you any harm come to you." "I know it is." What you know! I have raised you up and I couldn't sleep for two years since your birth." "Okay, enough! Now, you need to drink hot milk." Ah! What... what... Never, ever I hate to drink milk." "I prefer sandwhiches and bread with butter and jap. I'll drink coffee instead of milk." I rushed to pack my bag. Edward was ready as well and we set for school.

We walked to school quickly. Finally we had reached our classes. I left Edward to his classroom and went to mine. There I met Westwood. "Hello! Westwood!" "Hi! Bill. How's your preparation for Physics exam?" "Fine and thanks. What about yours?" "Well, I'm still reading. It's good." "Are you searching for David?" "Yes, I have some work to do with him." "He's coming to exam hall before the ringing of the bell." "I see. Fine then. BEST WISHES!" "BEST WISHES to you too" Thanks! Welcome.

O My God! I paused for a sec and took a long deep breath. "If Jack comes then I'll be in trouble because he is the worst enemy of mine. Sometimes he behaves like a wild and hungry warewolf." Jack is the worst boy I've ever met before. He is very devil in nature and always upto something bad in mind. Moreover he's very insulting and disturbing. What a nymph he is! Whenever we pass and meet each other, we've a strong quarrel in between us which takes the form of a fierce fighting. We cann't see each other's face and hate each other. We've a relationship of hatred in between us.

My room was in the fourth floor and it was "306 Class VI A". I saw my classmates there and Ben was there too! Ben had blue lighted and white eyes, the whitest skin, dark eyelids and cute fluffy cheecks and reddish lips. It took one hour and thirty mintues for me to complete the exam. When suddenly, Ben whispered, "Will you go to watch movie with us? Tell now if you're going. Just think it'll be great time and moment of fun and enjoyment. And true visions...three dimensional pictures...characters will jump and be in front of us." "Yes, I know. But......hmmm.." "But what! Just think and say me soon.You don't need to worry about the transport costs and foods. Because I'm going to take my car and drive you. Moreover, my senior friend is coming and he is going to treat you and me." "Okay, That's allright. I'm just worried about Edward. Because I'm well confirmed that he will want to go too." Ben was just thinking something within himself. He was quiet for a moment. We got out of the exam hall and started to walk together. Suddenly he jumped and shouted with joy, "Yahwhoo! Exams are over and we are free." "By the way Ben, what's your plan? What are you going to do? Give a party? Or arrange a tournament? Or something else?" Ben was thinking and thinking. He stated the word, "Movie" "What, movie!" "Yes, we're going to celebrate the exam ending party with movie." I began to think what to say. Then I finally admitted, "Okay, I'll go but Edward is there too. And I know I'm quite sure that he will want to accompany me as well." "Come on! Bill, let us go then." "Okay" We decided to go to the cafeteria but it was too hot outside that we finally entered into an ice cream shop. There we had our favourite ice creams. I had my strawberry and blackberry flavoured vanilla and Ben had his chocolate and milk vanilla. After that, we sat together under a giant umbrella. I began talking again. "Is David coming with us?" "I don't know about him. What a strange boy he is! You know one thing about him?" "What!" "He is one of the rarest piece of spendthrift and miser. Everyone is becoming irritated because of his unnecessary babbling." "But....mmmm...." Ben paused for a sec and said, "Please let me talk, Bill. It's important. Nowadays, Jack and Jill can't tolerate him at all." "Poor David! I do feel mercy for him." It became almost near to late afternoon by then and we were really hungry. "I'm hungry, Ben." "Me too." I checked my pocket money but it was lesser than I had expected. "Alas! I have only few five dollar notes and coins left with me!" "No, problem, we can share." "Thanks Ben" "You're welcome!" We made our way to a Chinese Restaurant. It was a good one. There were lamp lights, beautiful curtains, large table clothes on the table, many wooden chairs, vases and flowers on the table and moreover the whole restaurant's items looked amazing. Those materials of the restaurant seemed to be expensive. We went to the front desk and looked at the menu. "Ben, what's your favourite Chinese cuisine? "It's Chinese fried rice and chicken." "Wow. I love that cuisine!" "Well, lets have it then!" Fine." The meal costs eighty five dollars each plate and more twenty five dollars for salads. I had twenty five dollars with me and Ben had right eighty dollars. At last we went to the cash counter and then the salesman became a blessing for us. He gave five dollars from his own pocket. He said, "Kids, I liked you very much and I know that today your exams ended! That's why accept my help and return me later. I'm like your uncle." "Thanks! We asked him, Can we know your name?" "I'm Robin Chang. It seems both of you are good friends. What are your names?" "I'm Bill and me Ben." "Nice meet with you people, Bill and Ben." "Okay, please have your seats and enjoy the meal." We ate to our heart content and the salads were great too! We went out of the restaurant and it was almost 4:30 pm by then. "Bill, it's late afternoon and I remember, I've a match to play." "Bye" "Bye"

At home I am quite ill at ease for the first time. I'm thinking to go out when suddenly Edward noticed me climbing down the stairs and he followed me secretly. "There you are! You're caught now!What will you do if I don't let you go?" "Please let me go and hang out" "Fine, then you need to tell me about your exam ending party." "Well I'm not throwing a party! I'm hanging out." "Wait! answer me properly because I know you're hiding some secrets from me. I took a long deep breath and said, "Enough! Please!" "Okay, fine. Go and don't return until late evening. Because I'm going to watch wrestling on the TV. And I'm going to watch on your room's TV because my one has been sent for repair." "Oh! So bad thing! Fighting! Wrestling! Better watch some cartoons or good movies."

After coming outside I began to think about the world we live in! Sometimes it becomes so pleasant and full of joy and sometimes it becomes so boring and full of sorrow. The park was far away from my house. I began to walk alone among the large old dark green and yellow trees, bushes and roads. I was quite lonely and there was no vehicle or people. I walked and walked and though the distance was long but it became more longer. I went on walking. At last, I reached the park. It was not that one where Ben and his other friends were supposed to play but it was an old fashioned park. There were no rides but elements of nature. Almost all the scenery of nature were painted in that park. I was attracted by the scenic beauty of the wonderful park. There were many birds, flowers, squirrels, butterflies and trees. There were few benches to take rest after a walk around the nature. It was an excellent hygienic and clean environment. But the most surprising thing was that there were very few visitors often elderly people. People are so busy nowadays that they don't find any spare time. I began to think once again about the world we live in after coming to that park. It seemed so lively and so pleasant now that I began to admire by the beauty of the nature. I walked and sometimes jogged around the whole park.


© 2013 Z.I.Mahmud

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Added on June 23, 2013
Last Updated on June 25, 2013



Dhaka, Bangladesh

I'm a learner and I love to learn .... more..
