Star Stealing Girl (Original Story of 18 Chapters)

Star Stealing Girl (Original Story of 18 Chapters)

A Story by Lyria

Chapter I – Clarity


Can Angels lose their way? Can the sands of time be put together in a place where everyone’s dreams and decisions will be at two entities? Following a path of the wrong and blinded ideas while the other is very successful and risky but all in all, it is where the dreams are achieved, held in one’s hand while praying and thanking the Gods that they have asked for it to happen. Could these two sides coexist in one different world? Could the number of stars relay something that even the oracles couldn’t see? Can everyone find answers to what they wanted to know? From all these queries and grandiose talks; only one is certain. You wouldn’t know when life is about to turn and toss while you are peaceful and asleep at your own world of dreams and illusions. Just like when I thought everything is perfectly arranged and written but you could never tell how uncertain and mysterious life and fate could be. Only if these stars that I hold in my hand can teach how to fight fate in a way that no man can have done. I stray the roads of my past while I sit in front of the kids in a sanctuary named Angelus Sancta de Gloria.


          Angelus Sancta de Gloria is a place for orphans who lost the meaning and entity of their life. A haven created for the sake of giving hope to all that is lost and at loss. It is connected to all social service agencies in Aesther (a civilized nation). Directly they contact them to gain access and care to an orphaned child. They consider everything as a mission to cure the land of its corrupt and idle ways. Angelus Sancta de Gloria has a philosophy of “Dreams creates love and love is life for all.” Life never left me on that day and I am here for almost five years while they are trying to prove that life is a blessing from God and they are acting to reach it out for us who are unfortunate and needy. Truly it is a blessing that life is breathing to every corner of these grounds. It is located atop of a vast hill where you could see Lake Hysteria below and the wonderful skies above. It is an old church that is remodeled as a huge dormitory to be a charitable institution. It has five divisions: the chapel which is the center of the structure, the administrator’s hive which stands for Home inside Victorious Entities it is a building that serves as the house of the Friars and nuns, The Children’s dorm; The Boy’s dormitory and, the Ladies’ dormitory. All in all the remodeled church grounds serves as home for about 400 persons; and a major sum of it are children.


             Lively and joyous; this is the way how Father Cruisant always describes the activity and populous of the orphanage. They have structured many ways on how to forge and create a new life and start for every occupants of the sanctuary. They conduct seminars, educational courses, livelihood programs, spiritual evocations, and providing motherly and fatherly care to all of us. They even go as far as changing names of the children and occupants here, for a reason that they would not remember the bad things that happened to them in the names they used to have. That’s why they have named me Clarity for they hope that I would give answers to my queries and I would feel the guidance of the Almighty one above, but seriously I prefer to be called by my real name Ashe Loreline Ynitsed. Father and the nuns call me Clarity but the children call me Lorie.


            Years have passed still I am living a life full of lies and disbelief mainly because of the things that happened to me in the past. Fr. Cruisant always calls me to the HIVE for me to be guided and counseled. He tells me these things before I go back to my job that they had given to me. “Clarity, the past is our shadows and foundations, our present is a gift that God gives us every day, our future is written and played by our decisions in the present; so never destroy your future by worrying and living your present with lies and disbelief.” These words are inculcated in my mind just because it happened for a lot of times but here I am still stubborn and deranged; maybe all of the nuns are thinking and talking about how I didn’t live up to be a good and religious product of Angelus Sancta de Gloria. They wonder. Yes they wonder a lot. But they never see my great philosophy in this life “Edges brings people to look for smooth surfaces but when they realized they are at a smooth surface and they are slipping they will look for the edges again and again for them to grab and hold on to something,” plainly people don’t understand what others want; they venture this life on what they want and what they would have, they would reach out but they would make steps omitting the very eminent fact in this world. In life tests are given before you would find a way to learn and this harsh fact made many people conceited and very egocentric. They would blindly seek something without knowing the why’s and how’s of what they are searching for. Something they want is far out from what they need. So I say “Bless those people who stop and think.” They are like these children whom Fr. Cruisant made me take care of. They tend to cry when someone grabs what they have. They fight. They just care about themselves; selfish but innocent. Neither of these would happen nor take place if only they would become as innocent as the children but they aren’t. They are like monsters that steals from the weak just to satisfy what they want, they do not dream of giving; they only care about having what they want and they carry on with it with no satisfaction at all. I may say that my observations and my name that they had given me really offers Clarity to my queries but it is questionable because I am a 17 year old girl who experienced a hell lot of a trauma and these answers are my coping mechanisms you can even call it my vendetta. Weird but these get me through my endless days here in this sanctuary and in no time at all night bites the bright afternoon sky. I am supposed to sleep at the ladies’ dormitory but here I am sleeping with the children that call me mommy and everything but for me I am just Ashe, just Ashe.




            The sleepy heads of children sprawling in the middle of dreamland in this God forsaken orphanage makes me sick. The sands of time never flows in this place, time never goes any faster, time never bends into what I think it is to be. This thought never disappears in my mind; even the noisy snores of my roommates can’t do anything to drown this heavy feeling, which I am bearing starting from the day that it all happened. I remember everything fully, euphoria cycled in my days back then but I didn’t thought even once that a wave of misery could sweep down my wonderful life with my family. It happened like gray clouds hovering above an innocent flock of sheep that grazes the green Pasteur in ease and in all satisfaction. Peaceful but clueless of what would happen next. Tears flowed down from my eyes when I remember the event that took place after all the memories of happiness and solidarity. Our two story Victorian house was eaten by fire in a rainy day of September, no one was awake, it passed us by like nightmares in our sleep but there it was, it swallowed whole my dreams and my family. It was like no other. The pain of hearing screams and cries for shear life scared me. Everything was in mayhem my Father called onto us, he told us to pray for there was no escape. We have woken up when all is at flames and there is nothing left for us to run. We accepted the truth that all of us would die. I heard the cries of my little sister she screams in pain and then it was only silence that I heard and I knew that my family was dead just before the clouds of smoke in my room knocked me out. I was walking in the middle of nowhere it was like an endless white room. I was walking upside down I have walked miles and miles but I never got tired. After sometime I thought that I was in Limbaugh a place for lost souls. I continued walking and walking until I have seen a flash of lightning; I felt it through all of my body. The scene began to change from blank white to a frantic emergency room scene. They are battling to revive me but for a moment fate spoke to me. I was back in Limbaugh and these are the words that fate told me “Open eyes; take stars; create dreams; change life for all things that wanders in the mirror of truth but none of them seen the beauty of life in their reflection, seek your answers and a great power shall arise from those who believe in change and in destiny,” I knew that it was fate I just knew. She resembles a very beautiful woman whose eyes are blindfolded while carrying a book and a quill in her hands, there is a key made as a pendant for her necklace that is laid around her neck but it was covered by an opaque mirror that has writings of “See beyond your own truth, Reflection reveals your fate and power is seen behind all lies,” I realized what it meant and I reached for the key. The key instantly melted in my hands it flowed like silvery water as it passed through my chest and into my heart. I heard my heart pumped so loud and warmth filled my body again I have seen fate smiled at me and now I know that the icy breath I took in is a start of a very weary Lorie’s sleep.  I woke up in a hospital. I examined myself, I felt hot all over but I am as white as I have used to be. I climbed down my bed. Excruciating pain covered me, blood spilled down and the white floor is tarnished with the thickness of it. I have pushed all my effort to look down my lower extremities, just to find out that it was burned to crisp, it looked like burned wood only that it bleeds and it is very tangible. The nurse hurried to help me to stand up. I was devastated to know that I was left to live while I have nothing, I have nothing left. To add more misery to my life I ended up as a paralytic with no means to move on with my life. I wished that I have died in that moment. I really wish for it to have happened. I have undergone a surgery. The doctor scraped all the burnt tissue in my legs and grafted it with the skin from my back. It looked perfectly normal but I couldn’t move it even an inch. All the nerves that are for movement were all burned with most of the muscle of my thighs. Now I am completely useless. I don’t want to live. But here I am back with the kids here in the sanctuary. The nights are long and agonizingly painful.


            The night is very warm and the children are all asleep. I am very restless at that moment; I can feel the trickle of sweat pouring down from my neck and back. It was so warm and so I decided to take a stroll under the clear and starry sky of the night. I never felt anything better, even the only living memory of my father’s fortune is cold and satisfied. My wheelchair is the one that bridges me back to my past and my present. It has unique features. It has a control panel and a joystick for me to manipulate so that I would never get tired from wheeling myself from one place to another. It can move down and up through slopes because it has a sticky tire made for rough and unenhanced surfaces. I felt that I was a bit lucky. Lucky to have this Million Vies (monetary unit in Aesther) worth machine that makes me not useless and fragile. I don’t feel very pathetic though I am a paralytic and I have made it by changing my way of thinking. Instead of envying those that could walk and run I have set my mind upon that they should envy me more for there is nothing more wonderful than gliding from spot to spot on your own free will. Insane but this is all I could do and it helps. Clarity no Ashe Loreline is gliding under the starry sky. I never felt very happy. It took me five years to feel this way again. Now I am very adventurous and I didn’t have any second thoughts; I am going down the hill just to feel the cool air by the lakeside.  Lake Hysteria is a mystery to me. I had never ventured my way down not even once. I see it every time but we never had the chance to go down and it made me curious why. Now I am about to approach the slopes of the hill. It looks so rough and steep. I dropped a rock that Mary had given me while I am lecturing the kids about matter. It goes down, down, down, way down until I have heard a soft thud on the ground. I swallowed in some saliva *gulp I am very nervous but it was not like nervousness that I have experienced before it was rush, adrenaline rush that wants to escape my senses. So I stepped in the slope, I have configured my wheel chair for rough conditions with a clicking sound of the gears and a violet light in the panel the machine is all set and ready to go. There is no clear road to take. I have just taken the path where there are no trees that could block the way. So I moved the joystick up very nervously. I closed my eyes and prayed to lady fate to save me and see me in Limbaugh again if anything bad would happen. All of my faith forced my eyes tight shut. I could feel the speed of the wind making way through the streamlines of my body and my wheelchair. It flowed to my contours. I felt that I was being sculpted into a very marvelous art. Its gentle touches provides comfort and it made my nervousness fade away in just a matter of seconds. Mysterious very mysterious; this feeling is like no other I couldn’t even compare it to anything. For a moment I am about to open my eyes, I have felt someone’s hands touched and covered my sight. I have recognized this soft and subtle voice. It was lady Fate’s voice. She have said some words that I will not forget, “Silver light runs in your system, A truth were stars are invoked to give answers and dreams to all those who needs it, make your choice greed or acceptance of one’s fate.” The last lines of her words are dull and certain. It scared me. Though her warm hands that cover my sight assure me of safety, her last words were vigilant and taunting. I was about to scream but the essence and wonder of the waters that runs from my feet awakened me. I am at the lakeside.


             It was a really wonderful sight. The stars are painted on the glassy surface of the lake. The stars are at my reach, sparkling, dazzling, and pure. I am really amazed of the things that I have experienced. Once again I am filled with euphoria and excitement. I find myself zooming around the lakeside, like a kid holding a paper plane in his hands zooming around the room pretending that he is in the skies riding his own plane. This is so fun. I am going round and round. A carousel that I don’t want to stop, I even prayed to the Gods please don’t make my batteries run dry. All of these thoughts were stopped by a moment of confusion. I am really confused, I am zooming by the lakeside but I didn’t come across a bridge of land that is dry and uplifted all through the middle connected to an islet inside the lake itself. Though the confusion stopped my childish moments it had given way to a new start. I am wheeling myself to the islet where I could be in the middle of the wonderful painting of God. I am in the middle of God’s canvas. It was a glorious event to take place, but mystery doesn’t stop there. The islet itself has a dug in room where the water from the lake flows in and out in a circular motion. It moves freely and softly it was like murmurs of the peoples that sleep at night. Peaceful, it was very peaceful.   I moved in and I was really happy that I could touch the lake water with my own hands but something different happened.  My heart beat raced, my hands are turning the icy lake water warm and it was imbibed with a silvery color. All of Lake Hysteria glowed with light I imagined it as a huge pentagram that breathes and lives in this holy place. The light shoot upwards the sky and I was not wrong from what I have imagined. I have triggered a sleeping mechanism that only the Gods knew about. It was the one that Lady Fate was telling me. I need to chose and I am feeling that the time is now to open my eyes, heart, and soul to this new chapter in my life. Threads of fate; words that circles the holy grounds; it was like strands of DNA without any gaps and with never ending connections. As I utter the words the pentagram and the lights stopped still. I hurried my way up the islet. Mystery never stops and now it was the night sky. The reflection of the night sky in the lake popped out like a super hi-tech hologram of the stars and all of the components of the heavens. It swirled and it formed into a crystal ball between my hands. It floats and rotates in its place and in no time at all I have realized that, here in my hands lies the world’s night sky. I became really curious about the crystal. I have pulled out one of the most dazzling star in the crystal. It came to life and it took form of a huge bright orb that talks of a certain thing that I couldn’t understand. It was like a foreign language or something. My heart glowed as bright as the star in front of me. The light became very tangible and it formed a key that was once around Lady Fate’s neck. The key laid in my hands now and it moved by itself towards the star and it unlocked it.


                        The star opened up and now the voice inside it is much clearer and better. It says “I want to become a singer a very famous singer. I want to be very beautiful, I want to be an actress on the TV’s, and I wanted to be much like Aphrodite.” The voice had stopped and the light from the star faded slowly while the key in my hands grew brighter. I decided to open one more. I have chosen a star with a bright red glow. I opened it. The star began to talk again. This time it was a voice of a man “I wish for our love to grow, let my wish be a wondrous star in the sky so that someone would see it and call it as a true love’s wish and promise.” I was very touched to know that this man never asked for anything for himself. Tears flowed down from my eyes in pure happiness, someone understands what the true meaning of life is like I do, but just like the other star its light began to fade. I was very startled to see it happening “No please don’t lose your light, No.” Then I was so shocked to see a man running towards me I was yelling “Stop don’t come any nearer” but he didn’t I was really afraid I have lost control of my wheel chair, I couldn’t move I am scared, really scared. Minutes, no he was seconds away to reach me. He blazed the trails like a mad jet plane wreaking havoc to its every direction, but he stopped. He froze there in front of me he covered the star with some sort of mystical cloth. Then out of a sudden he introduced himself “I am Grey Cloudsever guardian of hopes and dreams. I know who you are. Clarity or shall I call you Star Stealer of destiny.”

© 2013 Lyria

Author's Note

Currently doing the fourth chapter will upload consequent chapters in time with reviews. Please visit my profile and comment for immediate upload thanks.

My Review

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I can't help but to notice your enthusiasm in writing when I first read this calm and silent dream of yours. But like most dreams, it is incoherent, shattered and quite, well, not so edited.

Long paragraphs can sometimes prove to be boring and the readers can be lost. Break them down in smaller paragraphs, and maybe the piece is more enjoyable, yes?

I can hardly shake the feeling you didn't put much time in editing, thus the repetitions, the incoherent sentences that don't connect to each other and the paragraphs dont even seem to have a point of going anywhere. They are just there, and they are dead as your characters, plots and setting (show dont tell, that's what they teach us, right?).

I had a hard time trying to figure out where you led us to, because of all the questions and that is quite not so attractive for a start of a book.

Try to have commas every now and then, because, embarrassingly, I had to grasp for air, and sometimes, it is a question of linguistic skill, and you didnt seem to be trying.

Try to put yourself in a reader's shoe, and you will see that despite the vivid pictures we have in our head, the readers cannot see it in our words quite the same, so try as hard as you can, fight it if you must, if you want us, the readers, to see this breath-taking canvas of yours.

My word is here to help, because you need it, not because you want it. So leave it if you dont want it, but dont give up, because what's the point of giving up when someone says you did a terrible job?

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 3, 2013
Last Updated on August 3, 2013



Naga, V, Philippines

Go out and explore the things that you were once afraid of it would be really satisfying to see you grow every second of that experience. more..

Fragments Fragments

A Poem by Lyria