![]() Fourier Series of Life ≡ ZΓ(x,y,z,t,θ,φ,ρiε )A Poem by Magen Kumquat![]() One of my strange poems that attempts to link Math and English![]() Math Symbols are used in this poem. If you cannot see them, update your computer system's fonts. Fourier Series of Life ≡ Z"(x,y,z,t,θ,φ,ρiε ) [C:02-09-10 U:03-07-10]
Wave, sinusoidal waves, cosine, harmonics Knowledge itself is made up of many harmonics (~) Math is closer to the origin (0,0) English is further from the start (x,y) But to be smart.... Is to say that one has many harmonics that add up to something much more
Every infinitesimal piece (ε) adds up (+) and changes (") the sum (Σ) of the waves. While math (1+1...) and English (a,b,c...) do not mesh there are small links that appear. A resolution is a defined limit. Writing essays is nothing more than creating a Taylor Series (T﴾x﴿) that fits the prompt
Programming languages (C++) and “real” (Spanish) languages are just jumbles of characters (¶) composed in a unique and readable form. Instructions are readable ¬no? ∟ Music, sciences and even computers play with numbers from ++ to tetrations that prance in ∂ song Math is legible ¬no?
So what is and what isn't? Isn't everything, the same in some way? For the world of knowledge is just.... αnother ne╦work of nodes that happen to be in our ™rain. Rather than create oμr fundamental internet that εveryone else knows and lθves.
Therefore, inτegrating the Fourier $eries of life is not impossible. It does not sleep in an æther nor a well of hell. Pass a dLife and a funny looking s (∫) is the ansωer. Just don't forget...
the constant of int℮gration, and a decimal point (ρeriod).
Zeroth Harmonic ['﴾Life﴿/﴾∂Math≈∂English﴿]
© 2010 Magen KumquatAuthor's Note
Added on March 14, 2010 Last Updated on March 14, 2010 Author