![]() Glory of GraduationA Poem by Magen Kumquat![]() A poem about the glories of graduation.![]()
Glory of Graduation
I recall such a wonderful memory From the depths of my cheerful brain I remember the events of my senior year. Ignoring the shadow and look into the light that should never die
Reminiscing all the happy memories in my senior school year I tell someone, my story of greatness. The bliss that has filled everyone's heart and the light that continues to awaken.
As one descends the stairs of graduation, that person must remember that this is the first time one would enjoy this type of ceremony, with kin. That this, is possibly the first time one can enjoy the gown and the attention. Where one walks with pride and honor For graduation is the end of the beginning.
The introduction to the new world has just begun for today is the first time one is free from school This is the first time, they would be in this situation Where one enjoys life with friends in a comfortable environment Where the laughter of friendship fills the air
As one receive their diploma, they look towards the future. The new places, memories, hopes and dreams The continual growth of the brain inside their head The destiny that awaits their arrival The pieces of fate that wishes to meet them
The tear that show happiness to others The light of hope that rain on its disciples The blood of light that gathers together The walkway of truths that reveal itself The faith that fulfills the heart
These are the intended consequences, one receives as he or she moves onward in life attempting to absorb the beauty of time As the events of tomorrow die backwards as moments in their lives With each step into the past the present becomes the future. These are the emotions I receive when I truly remember This is the glory that fills me For there is somethings people will remember but why why why can't this light live forever? [Magen Kumquat] © 2009 Magen Kumquat |
Added on February 3, 2009 Last Updated on September 21, 2009 Previous Versions Author