PerspectiveA Poem by Magen KumquatThe different perspectives of life.Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000168 EndHTML:0000002346 StartFragment:0000000489 EndFragment:0000002329 Perspective Can something be truly right and wrong? Can it truly have just a ying or a yang? Everything in life, it seems, has both a good side and a bad side. But then why do some people believe that something is ALWAYS good or ALWAYS bad? Are they just judgmental people that fail to see the "other" side? Why do people always judge everything by the cover yet say otherwise? Are humans just bound to judge everything around them?
Can we not defy what is written in our genes? Can we not change ourselves or are we just bounded by fate? Why do we always see everything just from one perspective? Can we not choose to see everything from different points of view?
Can't people be truly free? Or are they bounded by what was written by their parents? Are we just living robots or can we be free humans? What's truly write then? Is there even a right? Can there be a wrong? [Magen Kumquat]
© 2009 Magen Kumquat |
Added on February 3, 2009 Author