![]() Local Apathetic GaitA Poem by Magen Kumquat![]() A poem about our friend Local Apathetic Gait(LAG).![]()
Local Apathetic Gait Forever watching, forever waiting We watch as the loading bar fills up from left to right Ignoring all the text and all the animation We let time pass as we stand still Tick, Tick The second hand slowly completes yet another circle With each circle the minute hand moves, ever closer to the 12 With each step the short hand moves ever closer to the next hour Tock, Tock With each pass of the hour, the sun moves from dawn to dusk. With each cycle of the sun, the world slowly advances a day at a time With each set of seven days creates a week and so on Tick, Tock Aren't we still waiting for that bar to fill. Ignoring everything else. Staring at a screen, we await a flow of Ticking Infinitesimal MEasurements. We ignore the future, the past and focus on what's happening NOW. Gong, Gong Is that death calling? Or has the loading far disappeared. Don't worry the lag is gone, and you can resume your daily life. For the Commercially Obtained Machine People Use That Everyone Recognizes is done loading. Its job is done and is awaiting its next task. [Magen Kumquat]
© 2009 Magen Kumquat |
Added on January 18, 2009 Author