

A Chapter by britty

        I was drifting in and out of existence. I never opened my eyes for fear of what awaited me on the other side.
        “she has the mark” I could not decipher who it came form. I could not understand what the were talking about. “she’s only half, its broken in the middle see” I wanted to look so bad, but I felt a cold finger swirl below my ear. I knew by heart what they were talking about it was my birth mark that was always hidden by my hair.
        The mark that was in question looked to me like a snails shell with a lighting bolt that broke through the shell. I could never get a clear look at it, but why would I it was nothing special.
        I knew I was back at the fire, I could feel the heat creep up my body. 
“is she ok” on of them asked. “she’s fine she is just to scared to open her eyes, she thinks we are monsters” it was Payson who spoke these words.
“We have to wait for Zeke to get back with Sky, before we tall her anything.” a strange voice spoke again.
        “Have you ever meet a mutt before” a girls asked. Her voice came was so close to my body as if still examining my birth mark. “only one time when I was in Thailand” a deep mans voice came making everything around him was silent. “fine I will tell you, since you are all staring me down.” he said it with a long sigh.
        “It was in my earlier years, Her mother was giving birth to her, I think that’s what drew me there I could smell the blood it was like drug I could not turn my head from it so I followed the sent. I could hear the women’s scream out in pain, by the time I had arrived there the baby was born. I remember her looking at her child then shake her said saying “‘no no’’’ she handed the baby back to the midwife. The midwife looked confused nothing went wrong with the birth, as she looked at the child’s face she gasped in fright. The child was given to the church that was in  village that night. They asked no question when they took the child in.”
        He spoke as he went over this a million times” I was curios of what scared the mother to give her child up. I went that night to see the child. She was peacefully laying there in the little nest the had made her. She looked up at me and smiled showing two white fangs that hung from her mouth, she had eyes that were pure black.”
        I finally got the courage to open my eye to see what had stopped him. His head was bent and his hands folded together as if he were praying ever ones eyes were on him.
        “ she was not like normal children she was very alert at her age, she always smiled at me like we shared a secret together, I left for a while and curiosity got the best of me so I went back about twelve years later the church treated her like she was there daughter. But the town called her the devil child. They threw things at her making her cry and run back home, she ate normal food she did not crave blood.  She knew I was there she smiled at me over her shoulder all the time I was like her imaginary friend” I talked to her one night she was just starring at the ceiling “ what’s your name” I asked her. She turned not in fright but welcoming way as if she had been waiting for me.“ Raylai it means princess “  she said with a wide grin on her face I must been the first to talk to her since she kept her self locked up in this small room. ”are you my angel” she asked grabbed my hands she was not shocked that my hands were cold, her hands in mine were worm “no my dear I am not” she looked upset at the answer. “the say I am the devils child that’s why I am named Raylai” she looked at me in the eyes “ you have eyes like me but you are so cold” she looked at me waiting for a question. I smiled “its cold out.” I winked at her for she knew the truth of what she was. I heard it in her mind her talking to the father of the church many time.         “ You my child are a gift from above you are just more special then the rest” then father said as he kissed her head” then why am I called monster” she said all most in tears “because what runs in your blood is from the devil himself , but you do not act as his child you act like mine. Your teeth are sharp and its just a myth of what they call, you are a vampire but only half of one and we are very lucky in fact” he said tell her the truth not leaving anything out. 
        “I just looked at her she was so small so innocent, how could people treat her like that she was just a child. We talked for what seemed like hours I gave her my necklace and told her to call my name when ever she got scared and I would be there. She fell asleep soon after that. I went a away for a few days on a hunt to indulge my self in food. when I came back a few days later she was no where to be found”
        He took a deep breath in and had what looked tears in his eyes. 
        “I am not sure when it happened. But I could smell the sent of ash and burnt flesh in the air . I ran to where the sent came from. When I got there I was stricken down with remorse it was Raylai that I had smelt. they did not even take her down to burry her they left her there so the scavengers could get to her. I should of taken her away I was her angel. The village was having trouble with the crops so they took it out on this small child and burnt her alive. she never did a thing wrong.” his hand were clenched in a fist as if he was going to punch the ground “I wanted to slaughter all of them for what they did, but I knew that would be against the rules so I ran as fast as I could ” everyone stepped a few feet back to give the man space I felt pity for the man even though he was a monster.


© 2009 britty

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Added on February 1, 2009




i am 19 years old! i love it when you can bring a blank page to life! more..

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A Chapter by britty

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A Chapter by britty