Mending a heart is tough, but only those who know their hearts getting broken can understand this feeling. The pain, the joy, the suffering and those memories. Too late to pick it up and pieces will be mixed, Too ahead you pick it up maybe the love that would last long would never see that day. Another way to see this right?
sometimes it gets really hard to put the pieces back together...because if we wait too long...the pieces lose shape and no longer fit together...and the heart just remains an unsolved puzzle.
Mending a heart is tough, but only those who know their hearts getting broken can understand this feeling. The pain, the joy, the suffering and those memories. Too late to pick it up and pieces will be mixed, Too ahead you pick it up maybe the love that would last long would never see that day. Another way to see this right?
*heart drops* This is so amazingly heartfelt dear it deserves more than 51 Views *shaking head* (: So beautiful- yet unique. *nodding head* Full ratings dear :D
HeyGreg, picking up the pieces of our emotions are one of the toughest burden
That we have to bare. At the end of it all we become stronger and better on
Whatever is ahead of us. A fine write you had composed in this piece.
Very cool Thanks EG.