RIGHTS OF WOMENA Chapter by Zainab FirdausRights of women A thing which all woman should have but all thanks to our very dear men some of them are discarded. We yes we make ourselves weak by just assuming something we can't do. By just thinking we can achieve it all no matter what the problems we face if we make it goal nothing will stop being it or achieving it. It's going to be hard but not impossible. It's a matter of fact of thinking and doing it. Not everyone will be able to do it that's why we make leaders and so here stand with at least some our rights preserved. Being said as low and at moments treated as one too, it's disrespectful for us women. A long time ago we didn't even have a single right. All thanks to some women and men too who stood out in the crowd and made right sand abolished many systems which treated us, women, badly. Doing is what I believe in and I guess these people did too and that's why they were able to do it and achieve success in it too. But some times they failed to but they didn't give up. Now all we have to be is a little braver and be able to speak our minds. After all, we have to decide the best for ourselves. It's just quote of mine that we have the respect that we have earned, a perspective that we have made and a destiny that has been made. So all we should try is not be scared, be afraid, be manipulated. STAY STRONG AND LIVE LONG.
© 2017 Zainab Firdaus |
Added on July 16, 2017 Last Updated on July 16, 2017 Author