![]() A Small, Fractured History: Parts One and TwoA Poem by zaney![]() rife with inaccuracy and doubt.![]() the voice is not animated but automated and the accompanying photographs look plagiarized but the voice attempts to choke out sounds sounds that sound like tick tick tick and then it waits, it listens it ticks ticks ticks a story recounts a history fictionalizes diminutive manmade glory that capitalizes on pretext it is here that the voice invites you to leave take note of your exits because this story is of the feckless in a manner called ineffective a story of the reckless wrecking the wrecked. cracking open the surface of a burnt planet splitting like the pit of a fruit collapsing under the steel and absolute rule of a monarch butterfly caught on fire here men destroy men without knowing their names men without names are no longer men they are masses and masses with televisions are no longer masses they’re ideas and ideas without rationality are rampant ideas run rampant without question will fail ideas without question are fatal ideas written in bricks and spelled out in LED penetrate the eyes filter the through the retina and frontal cortex and ferment at the crest of the spine they request action not of the brain but of the hands ideas written inside hands disconnected from the spine and monitored by remote control call for action action calls for guns guns of metal or of words or of faith guns of faith congeal in the fingertips and curl the joints inward inward facing nameless men with the joints of their fingers curled into fists lie in waiting waiting for the commands of the remote controls which rests in the hands of the men naming the masses the reckless wrecking the wrecked the men with the remote controls trade their manufactured ideas for identity identity therefore becomes not what a man is but what he has the man accounts for what he has in lists lists of paper he’s collected or space he’s claimed or women he’s fucked claiming everything for his own if only just to have because to have is to be to be is to have things to hold in one’s hands and to hide from everyone else meanwhile men without names with guns in their hands grow restless claiming faith holding the weight of metal and fate in their palms fate, plans, dreams, hopes, expectations, pathos, the way things were supposed to be all spelled out by the hands holding remote controls detonators for ticking time bombs they’ve created time bombs out of the men whose names they’ve took away and called it fate! exploited the faith that the men without names offered them in exchange for things things lying heavy in their hands dead weight gathered up in their arms guarded by lock and key things things traded for identity the voice ticks the men again grow restless here men without bothering to ask for their names. © 2009 zaney |
Added on July 6, 2009 Author