As I sat there with my eyes closed, breathing in the mid summer air, I began to notice the small waves of water splashing against the boat.
Everything around me seems so clear and present. Every sound, every movement...it's almost a spiritual haven.
I heard the knocking of wood against wood as the boat was brought back to alignment. Another breath of air I took, as the tension began to build.
Every one of us knew what we needed to do. We had to give it all. For that perfect start, that last stretch, for that final glory. We had to give it all.
With a sudden move I opened my eyes. And I knew that was the signal. This is what we've been waiting for, this is what we've came here to do. With one last breath every muscle in my body tensed and I took my position.
And off we went.
Towards our triumph, or our defeat...but off we went.
The Imperial Dragons