Little bird is flying high above the sky and still pursuing it's journey.
A journey without a destination,
or better said,
A destination that depends on the journey itself.
Down the road below little bird noticed something odd...
Little bird decided to fly closer to get a better look, and sees to it's suprise a hurde of gnus walking down the path.
The amount was tremendous, there are thousands of them, no
tens of thousands, or even more...
Clouds of road dust were circling around them as they were walking in a orderly and slow pace.
Gnus are somewhat of a mix between an Antelope and an Ox, some of them with long white beards.
Those are probably the elder ones, little bird thought.
Little bird was now flying next to a gnu, and asks the gnu..
There are so many of you, where are you all going?
Hello there little one, the gnu said.
We are travelling from a far to find a better place, a better place to live in, a better place to find food.
This is what we do, this is what we want, this is what we need.
Look over there ahead of you little one and you'll see what I mean
Little bird turned it's head and saw several meters ahead an amazing event that is taking place.
Hundreds of gnus were crossing the river, one after another, side by side.
It was a overwhelming sight to see.
But to it's horror little bird suddenly saw wild crocodiles appearing.
grabbing some of the gnus, pulling them and tearing them apart.
While other gnus were desperatly fighting the strong current of the river and despite the effort, they were seperated from the group, eventually drowning to death.
Corpses were scattered all through the river bank and attracting all sorts of predators hungry for their flesh.
Why are you all risking your life to cross this dangerous river, there must be another way, little bird said.
There is no other way, the gnu said, this is the only way.
This is what we do, this is what we want, this is what we need.
Is this all worth it? little bird asks.
Well little one, let me ask you this "you are safe and much alive, but then again, have you really truly lived?" the gnu said with a smile.
Goodbye my little friend.
Written by,
Eric Cheung