When little bird was a very young little bird,
father bird told it that when little birds grow up, they’ll make a journey of their own.
But first, they’ll need to learn to fly…
One day father bird went out to find food, and instead of returning to the nest,
father bird just stood there with some distance away from the nest with all the food.
Little bird was all confused and was wondering why father bird isn’t bringing back the food.
Little bird began to get anxious and very hungry. After awhile little bird gathered all of it’s courage and decided to climb out of the nest.
Very, very slowly as little bird had never left the nest before.
Then little bird started to make small hops towards father bird.
Father bird was still standing there,
now with it’s head raised and looking as if expecting what was about to happen.
The small hops of little bird became bigger and faster hops,
and only just a few hops away little bird would reach father bird and ofcourse all of the delicious food.
However, little bird slipped, and fell off the tree branch into a rapid fall towards the ground.
At that moment, out of panic, little bird closed it’s eyes and couldn’t think nor do anything.
Little bird felt the wind passing by with a rush. And then, suddenly remembered what father bird once told.
“...when little birds grow up they’ll make a journey of their own...”
Little bird opened up it’s eyes, as if time has stopped and was now running again, little bird carefully spreading out it’s tiny wings.
Pressure of air fills underneath it’s wings, and little bird noticed it’s speed towards the ground was slowing down.
Little bird was now gliding very unstable and clumsy through the air and gradually falls to the ground…
As little bird was lying there catching it’s breath and trying to figure out what just happened,
father bird suddenly appeared.
Well done my child, father bird said.
From this day on you will see that you’ll learn to achieve great things, by facing your biggest fears and by falling from the highest ground.
lets go back, and eat..
Written by,
Eric Cheung.