Thoughts on Cockroach

Thoughts on Cockroach

A Poem by zainul

Someday cockroach may brand the human as invader


Who doesn’t get scared or annoyed by cockroach!

Some of you might have risked life to get rid of them.

But could you imagine the vermin with egg poach?

You may be charmed to see the still life game.


I had the opportunity to see an art exhibition long ago,

Where artists presented amazing works on still life.

American cockroach and egg poach was a nice show,

The painting also combined sliced bread, fork and knife.


Beside those sweet memories, I have different experience.

Many weird cockroaches infested  my home badly.

They had various  sizes,shapes,colors and appearance ,

They spoiled everything ,I had to see helpless and sadly.


Various species fight for spaces in my home,

American, German and Oriental are some of them.

They have specific ways  for sleep and roam,

They take shelter in places like stores and picture frame.


The pestilent insect has many ways to harm,

They eat our things resulting to immense damage.

Their faeces and foul smell cause great alarm,

They spread diseases like heinous savage.


Most menacing adventure of the nocturnal creature,

Is inflicting wound to the sleeping person.

Emitting allergen is also its built-in nature,

People suffer from painful asthma through its arson.


People call exterminator to stop the nuisance,

Who  destroys  their habitats and apply pesticide.

You can also manage this evil with your prudence,

Clean  home and kill the rogue wherever you find.


But frankly speaking there are some merits  as well,

Giant Madagascar hissing cockroach is reared as pet.

Some species used for research and education as model,

Writers treat in novel or poem as object of hate.

I feel a little embarrassed to share some information.

Cockroaches are farmed for making medicine and food.

These may be norms of some cultures or personal passion.

I can’t prescribe   if such practices are bad or good.


Cockroaches are living for millions of years on the earth.

Modern  humans, Homo sapiens came  much later.

Survival of the fittest will determine which species is worth.

Someday cockroach may brand  the human as invader.


© 2020 zainul

My Review

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interesting poem on cockroaches.
i don't hate them but, I don't particularly like them either, and I never kill them.
I catch them with a small round food takeaway plastic container & slide a piece of cardboard underneath so they can't escape & then I put them out in the garden for the birds or spiders to eat. they're part of the ecology.
cheerio carola

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by dear poet.
I appreciate your ecological approach to manage cockroaches.. read more


I very much enjoyed this write zainul. I don’t hate any creepy crawlies. They all have their place in this world and we have to accept them whether we like them or not. As to your overall meaning, I think our own species certainly appears doomed and is likely to disappear long before some of the others. A pleasure to read you.


Posted 1 Year Ago

interesting poem on cockroaches.
i don't hate them but, I don't particularly like them either, and I never kill them.
I catch them with a small round food takeaway plastic container & slide a piece of cardboard underneath so they can't escape & then I put them out in the garden for the birds or spiders to eat. they're part of the ecology.
cheerio carola

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thanks for stopping by dear poet.
I appreciate your ecological approach to manage cockroaches.. read more
Frankly, I hate cockroaches; I used to live in Florida years ago and they were always in the bathtub or shower when I was read to bathe. That being said, I imagine they are good for something like research or eating other disturbing insects. I like the way you presented this poem, at first saying how bad they are, then saying that we may be taken over by them in millions of years to come; i hope not!!!
Best, Betty

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by,Betty.I love your your nice review.I am an entomologist.I and my wife enga.. read more
Very well written. The last stanza humorously summarizes the whole essence of the story.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thanks for the lovely review.I am very glad that you identified the whole essence of the story.
We all seem to have a place on the planet, as if someone actually did plan it.
I assume the cockroach thinks as little of us as we do of him but the way we are going, the mess we're making of this planet will do both species more than enough harm
he said!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you Dave for the wonderful review.We are really making mess.
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A very interesting write, dear Zainul! Certainly very informative on our common household pests! Just the sight of them makes one run for the roach spray! That you see beyond the cockroach as being much more than just a pest towards the later sections of your piece takes this write in an inspired direction. Roaches as medicine? Who knew! And your final lines are indeed wise and accurate. It has been said that in the case of a human nuclear extinction event, the cockroach would be close to the only animal that survives, and thus the world would become their domain! So your words ring with great truth. I enjoyed this one for its original theme and content. Much enjoyed! :))

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you Jamila for the wonderful insights on the roach and the practical aspects of its management.. read more
Oh my, this is so good and very creative. I really enjoyed this.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you choosen for the inspiring review.
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I just killed a cockroach😞 and now to your poem I approached.
Who told him to bother my little space
Laalhit in my hand I started to trace
Sprayed so he laid, in a minute he died!
Hahaha True said, they are quite annoying but are created as requisite elements on earth.
Have you read the Mohajagotik Curator? I started to respect ants after reading their capabilities.
Thanks for sharing this😇

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Dear Tahsin,your gift of the lovely poem as review of my humble work cooled my heart.I also killed o.. read more
Thoroughly enjoyed this very imaginative and informative read sir Zainul. Your words were finely balanced and brought out the pros and cons of the multiple species inhabiting our earth. The facts on cockroaches were both interesting and cringeworthy and added to the liveliness of this read. I agree about natural selection. The cockroache is a hardy insect and it is said that it will be one of the major survvivors of a nuclear holocaust. So yes, one day, they may look at a stray human animal as an invador! Excellent poem!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you Dear Pestonjee for the insightful review.I am very happy that you raised the points of mul.. read more

4 Years Ago

You are so right sir! It's such an irony that the mightiest human animal is locked in his abode with.. read more
Well I found it a little sarcastic and ya indeed cockroaches are a subject of big research. When we study animal classification, anatomy and morphology of cockroaches play a very prominent role. They do destroy the things but they have right to life too. Quite an interesting topic to write on with a very creative flow. And infact I did study a cockroach at my home, it was amazing experience...... A very creative writing....

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


4 Years Ago

Thank you Aradhana for the insightful review.I am very pleased to learn that you studied cockroach a.. read more

4 Years Ago

Ya you too stay safe.

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10 Reviews
Added on May 8, 2020
Last Updated on May 15, 2020
Tags: cockroach, human, American, German, Oriental, Homo sapiens



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